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DuokanEpub's css source code analysis



  • duokan-text-indent: 0em;

    • 为多看特有的首行缩进
    • 0em 首行不缩进
    • 2em 首行缩进2字符
  • class="duokan-image-single"

    • 容器中有且只有只有一个图片




  • duokan-page-fullscreen //全屏插图页
  • duokan-page-fitwindow //上下居中插图页
  • duokan-page-fullscreen-spread-left //延伸全屏插图页
    <itemref idref="cover.xhtml" properties="duokan-page-fullscreen"/>
    <itemref idref="title.xhtml"/>
    <itemref idref="message.xhtml"/>
    <itemref idref="summary.xhtml"/>
    <itemref idref="illus-0.xhtml" properties="duokan-page-fullscreen"/>
    <itemref idref="illus-1.xhtml" properties="duokan-page-fitwindow"/>
    <itemref idref="contents.xhtml"/>
    <itemref idref="Chapter001.xhtml"/>
    <itemref idref="Chapter002.xhtml"/>
    <itemref idref="Chapter003.xhtml"/>


/* 图片-无图说 */
img.duokan-image {
	width: 100%;
/* 图片-有图说 */
img.duokan-image-note {
	width: 100%;
	font-size: 16px;
	margin-bottom: 0.5em;



<html xmlns="">
<head><title></title><link href="../Styles/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></head>
  <p><img alt="" src="../Images/Cover.jpg" /></p> 



<img src="../Images/HARUHI_01_059.jpg" class="duokan-image" alt="" /><br />



<img class="duokan-image" src="../Images/HARUHI_01_117.jpg" alt="" />


  <table cellspacing="0" class="duokan-gallery-image">
        <td class="duokan-gallery-cell" width="49.8726%">
          <div class="duokan-image-single duokan-in-cell"><img class="duokan-image" src="../Images/HARUHI_01_033.jpg" alt="" /></div>

        <td class="duokan-gallery-cell" width="50.1274%">
          <div class="duokan-image-single duokan-in-cell"><img class="duokan-image" src="../Images/HARUHI_01_059.jpg" alt="" /></div>
  • 使用HTML的表格元素实现


/* 并列图表格样式 */
table.duokan-gallery-image {
	font-size: 1em;
	width: 100%;
	margin: 1em auto 1em auto;
	border-spacing: 0.3em 0.3em;
/* 并列图单元格样式 */
td.duokan-gallery-cell {
	text-indent: 0em;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
/* 格内图样式 */
div.duokan-in-cell {
	width: 100%;


<p class="duokan-note">
    <img class="duokan-image-note" src="../Images/HARUHI_01_117.jpg" alt="" />
  • class为" duokan-footnote " 。
  • 有图说的
  • 图说即为用p标签包裹起来的文本。


/* 图说楷体居左顶格 */
p.duokan-note {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 14px;
	text-indent: 0em;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
	text-align: justify;
/* 图说楷体居中 */
p.duokan-note-center {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 14px;
	text-align: center;
/* 图说楷体居右 */
p.duokan-note-right {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 14px;
	text-align: right;



<img class="duokan-footnote" src="../Images/note_original.png" alt="这里是一切的开端,也是地球的终焉!" id="note_1" />
  • 注释是以图片的形式插入 。
  • class为" duokan-footnote " 。
  • 注释内容alt中 。
  • id字段只做标识作用
  • 当然对于不支持的阅读器,这就是一张图片。


/* 多看注 */
img.duokan-footnote {
	width: 0.8em;


/* 西文字体 */
span.duokan-western {
	font-family: "DK-SERIF", "Palatino";
/* 符号字体 */
span.duokan-symbol {
	font-family: "DK-SYMBOL", "Symbol";
/* 文字不换行(古诗) */
span.duokan-text-nowrap {
	white-space: nowrap;
/* 段首大字2行高 */
span.duokan-dropcaps-two {
	float: left;
	font-size: 2em;
	duokan-drop-caps-style: duokan-two-line-caps;
	margin-bottom: -0.25em;
/* 段首大字3行高 */
span.duokan-dropcaps-three {
	float: left;
	font-size: 3em;
	duokan-drop-caps-style: duokan-three-line-caps;
	margin-bottom: -0.15em;
/* 代码中文样式 */
span.duokan-code-cn {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
/* 超链接 */
a.duokan-hyperlink {
	color: blue;
	font-style: italic;
	text-decoration: underline;
/* 多看注 */
img.duokan-footnote {
	width: 0.8em;
/* 默认有序列表 */
ol.duokan-olist {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 16px;
/* 无序号有序列表 */
ol.duokan-olist-noindex {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 16px;
	list-style-type: none;
/* 默认无序列表 */
ul.duokan-ulist {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 16px;
	list-style-type: disc;
/* 无序号无序列表 */
ul.duokan-ulist-noindex {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 16px;
	list-style-type: none;
/* 二级列表 */
ul.list-sub2 {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 16px;
	list-style-type: circle;
	margin-left: 1em;
	margin-top: 1em;
/* 三级列表 */
ul.list-sub3 {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 16px;
	list-style-type: square;
	margin-left: 2em;
	margin-top: 1em;
/* 图片左绕排50%宽度 */
div.duokan-float-left {
	width: 50%;
	float: left;
	margin-right: 0.5em;
	margin-bottom: 0.5em;
	text-align: center;
/* 图片左绕排30%宽度-细高图 */
div.duokan-float-left30 {
	width: 30%;
	float: left;
	margin-right: 0.5em;
	margin-bottom: 0.5em;
	text-align: center;
/* 图片右绕排50%宽度 */
div.duokan-float-right {
	width: 50%;
	float: right;
	margin-left: 0.5em;
	margin-bottom: 0.5em;
	text-align: center;
/* 图片右绕排30%宽度-细高图 */
div.duokan-float-right30 {
	width: 30%;
	float: right;
	margin-left: 0.5em;
	margin-bottom: 0.5em;
	text-align: center;
/* 图片居中80%宽度 */
div.duokan-center {
	width: 80%;
	margin: 1em auto 1em auto;
	text-align: center;
/* 图片居中60%宽度 */
div.duokan-center60 {
	width: 60%;
	margin: 1em auto 1em auto;
	text-align: center;
/* 图片居中30%宽度 */
div.duokan-center30 {
	width: 30%;
	margin: 1em auto 1em auto;
	text-align: center;
/* 图片-无图说 */
img.duokan-image {
	width: 100%;
/* 图片-有图说 */
img.duokan-image-note {
	width: 100%;
	font-size: 16px;
	margin-bottom: 0.5em;
/* 图说楷体居左顶格 */
p.duokan-note {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 14px;
	text-indent: 0em;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
	text-align: justify;
/* 图说楷体居中 */
p.duokan-note-center {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 14px;
	text-align: center;
/* 图说楷体居右 */
p.duokan-note-right {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 14px;
	text-align: right;
/* 表格 */
table.duokan-tablebody {
	font-family: "DK-HEITI", "方正兰亭黑简体", "黑体";
	font-weight: normal;
	font-size: 14px;
	margin-top: 1em;
	margin-bottom: 2em;
	margin-left: auto;
	margin-right: auto;
/* 并列图表格样式 */
table.duokan-gallery-image {
	font-size: 1em;
	width: 100%;
	margin: 1em auto 1em auto;
	border-spacing: 0.3em 0.3em;
/* 并列图单元格样式 */
td.duokan-gallery-cell {
	text-indent: 0em;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
/* 格内图样式 */
div.duokan-in-cell {
	width: 100%;
/* 代码样式 */
pre.duokan-code {
	font-family: "DK-CODE", "Inconsolata";
	font-size: 14px;
/* 文段内-部分代码字体 */
span.duokan-nowestern-code-span {
	font-family: "DK-CODE", "Inconsolata";
	color: #91531d;
/* 文段内-部分代码字体-加粗 */
span.duokan-nowestern-code-span-b {
	font-family: "DK-CODE", "Inconsolata";
	color: #91531d;
	font-weight: bold;
/* 文段内-部分代码字体-斜体 */
span.duokan-nowestern-code-span-i {
	font-family: "DK-CODE", "Inconsolata";
	color: #91531d;
	font-style: italic;
/* 文段内-部分代码字体-粗体斜体 */
span.duokan-nowestern-code-span-b-i {
	font-family: "DK-CODE", "Inconsolata";
	color: #91531d;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-style: italic;
/* 代码块-部分加粗 */
span.code-b {
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #91531d;
/* 代码块-部分斜体加粗 */
span.code-italic-b {
	font-style: italic;
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #91531d;
/* 代码块-部分注释色 */
span.note {
	color: #008000;
/* 代码块-部分注释色加粗 */
span.note-b {
	color: #008000;
	font-weight: bold;
/* 版权信息页标题 */
h4.duokan-copyright-title {
	font-size: 24px;
	font-family: "DK-XIAOBIAOSONG", "方正小标宋简体";
	font-weight: normal;
	text-align: center;
/* 版权信息页正文 */
p.duokan-copyright-bodytext {
	font-family: "DK-SONGTI", "方正宋三简体","方正书宋","宋体";
	font-size: 16px;
	text-indent: 2em;
	duokan-text-indent: 2em;
/* 拼音样式 */
ruby {
	ruby-align: center;
	margin-right: 0.5em;
/* 拼音尾字样式 */
ruby.duokan-rubylast {
	margin-right: 0em;
/* 拼音文字样式 */
ruby > rt {
	font-family: "DK-SYMBOL", "Symbol";
	font-size: 0.5em;
/* 一级标题小标宋居中 */
h1.auxiliary-title1 {
	font-family: "DK-XIAOBIAOSONG", "方正小标宋简体";
	font-size: 28px;
	text-align: center;
	color: #91531d;
	font-weight: normal;
	margin-top: 2.5em;
	margin-bottom: 2.5em;
/* 二级标题 */
h2.chapter-title2 {
	font-family: "DK-XIAOBIAOSONG", "方正小标宋简体";
	font-size: 26px;
	text-indent: 0em;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
	color: #91531d;
	font-weight: normal;
	margin-top: 2em;
	margin-bottom: 1.8em;
/* 三级标题 */
h3.chapter-title3 {
	font-family: "DK-XIAOBIAOSONG", "方正小标宋简体";
	font-size: 22px;
	text-indent: 0em;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
	color: #91531d;
	font-weight: normal;
	margin-top: 2em;
	margin-bottom: 1.8em;
/* 内文四级标题 */
h4.chapter-title4 {
	font-size: 20px;
	font-family: "DK-HEITI", "方正兰亭黑简体", "黑体";
	font-weight: normal;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
	text-indent: 0em;
	margin-top: 2em;
	margin-bottom: 1.8em;
	color: #91531d;
/* 内文五级标题 */
h5.chapter-title5 {
	font-size: 18px;
	font-family: "DK-HEITI", "方正兰亭黑简体", "黑体";
	font-weight: normal;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
	text-indent: 0em;
	border-left: solid 5px #d9d9d9;
	padding-left: 0.7em;
	margin-top: 2em;
	margin-bottom: 1.8em;
	color: #91531d;
/* 内文六级标题 */
h6.chapter-title6 {
	font-size: 16px;
	font-family: "DK-HEITI", "方正兰亭黑简体", "黑体";
	font-weight: normal;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
	text-indent: 0em;
	margin-top: 2em;
	margin-bottom: 1.8em;
	margin-left: 2em;
	color: #91531d;
/* 章前语区域 */
div.chapter-pre-div {
	font-size: 16px;
	padding: 1em;
	margin: 3em 0em 1em 0em;
	border-left: solid 1px #e0e0e0;
/* 章前语楷体 */
p.chapter-pre-text {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体","华文楷体","楷体";
	font-size: 16px;
	text-indent: 2em;
	duokan-text-indent: 2em;
/* 正文宋体 */
p.bodycontent-text {
	font-family: "DK-SONGTI", "方正宋三简体", "方正书宋", "宋体";
	font-size: 16px;
	duokan-text-indent: 2em;
	text-indent: 2em;
/* 正文宋体-强制左对齐 */
p.bodycontent-text-left {
	font-family: "DK-SONGTI", "方正宋三简体", "方正书宋", "宋体";
	font-size: 16px;
	text-align: left;
	duokan-text-indent: 2em;
	text-indent: 2em;
/* 正文宋体-强制左对齐顶格 */
p.bodycontent-text-left0 {
	font-family: "DK-SONGTI", "方正宋三简体", "方正书宋", "宋体";
	font-size: 16px;
	text-align: left;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
	text-indent: 0em;
/* 引文黑体标题居中 */
p.reference-title {
	font-family: "DK-HEITI", "方正兰亭黑简体", "黑体";
	font-size: 16px;
	text-align: center;
/* 引文楷体 */
p.reference-text {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体","华文楷体","楷体";
	font-size: 16px;
	text-indent: 2em;
	duokan-text-indent: 2em;
/* 引文楷体顶格 */
p.letter-head {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 16px;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
	text-indent: 0em;
/* 署名楷体居右 */
p.signature {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 16px;
	text-align: right;
/* 诗集编号小标宋居中 */
h4.num-tilte {
	font-family: "DK-XIAOBIAOSONG", "方正小标宋简体";
	font-weight: normal;
	font-size: 18px;
	margin-bottom: 5em;
	color: #91531d;
	text-align: center;
	margin-top: 2em;
/* 部分斜体 */
span.xieti {
	font-style: italic;
/* 部分斜体加粗 */
span.italic-b {
	font-style: italic;
	font-weight: bold;
/* 部分加粗 */
span.bold {
	font-weight: bold;
/* 部分楷体 */
span.kaiti {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI","方正楷体","华文楷体","楷体"; 
/* 部分楷体加粗 */
span.kaiti-jiacu {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI","方正楷体","华文楷体","楷体"; 
	font-weight: bold;
/* 部分黑体加粗 */
span.heiti {
	font-family: "DK-DENGXIAN";
	font-weight: bold;
/* 楷体自然段 */
p.kaiti-duan {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体","华文楷体","楷体";
	font-size: 16px;
	text-indent: 2em;
	duokan-text-indent: 2em;
/* 楷体加粗自然段 */
p.kaiti-duan-jiacu {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体","华文楷体","楷体";
	font-size: 16px;
	text-indent: 2em;
	duokan-text-indent: 2em;
	font-weight: bold;
/* 黑体加粗自然段 */
p.heiti-duan {
	font-family: "DK-DENGXIAN";
	font-weight: bold;
	font-size: 16px;
	text-indent: 2em;
	duokan-text-indent: 2em;
/* 下划线 */
span.xiahuaxian {
	text-decoration: underline;
/* 音频 */
audio.yinpin {
	height: 1.2em;
	vertical-align: duokan-middle-line;
/* 视频 */
video.shipin {
	width: 100%;
	margin: 1em auto 1em auto;
	text-align: center;
/* 1字高图标 */
img.formula-1em {
	height: 1em;
	vertical-align: duokan-middle-line;
/* 1.5字高图标 */
img.formula-1-5em {
	height: 1.5em;
	vertical-align: duokan-middle-line;
/* 2字高图标 */
img.formula-2em {
	height: 2em;
	vertical-align: duokan-middle-line;
/* 2.5字高图标 */
img.formula-2-5em {
	height: 2.5em;
	vertical-align: duokan-middle-line;
/* 填充的点着重号 */
span.emphasis-filled-dot {
	text-emphasis: filled dot;
/* 上标字体 */
span.math-super {
	font-size: 0.7em;
	vertical-align: super;
/* 下标字体 */
span.math-sub {
	font-size: 0.7em;
	vertical-align: sub;
/* 上标倾斜字体 */
span.math-super-italic {
	font-size: 0.7em;
	font-style: italic;
	vertical-align: super;
/* 下标倾斜字体 */
span.math-sub-italic {
	font-size: 0.7em;
	font-style: italic;
	vertical-align: sub;
/* 图片-有图注 */
img.duokan-image2 {
	width: 100%;
	font-size: 16px;
	margin-bottom: 0.5em;
/* 图注居中 */
p.duokan-note2 {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 14px;
	text-align: center;
/* 图注居右 */
p.duokan-note3 {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	font-size: 14px;
	text-align: right;
/* 扉页章标题居右 */
h2.feiye-zi {
	font-family: "DK-HEITI", "方正兰亭黑简体", "黑体";
	text-align: right;
	font-size: 16px;
	color: #2F4F4F;
	margin-top: 30%;
	padding-right: 0.5em;
	border-right: solid 2px #2F4F4F;
	padding-bottom: 0.3em;
	font-weight: normal;
/* 扉页文字居右 */
p.feiye-zi-2 {
	font-family: "DK-KAITI", "方正楷体", "华文楷体", "楷体";
	text-align: right;
	font-size: 15px;
	color: #2F4F4F;
	margin-top: 5%;
	padding-bottom: 0.1em;
/* 章标题居左带细线 */
h2.bodycontent-title-2 {
	color: #1f4a92;
	font-size: 22px;
	font-family: "DK-XIAOBIAOSONG", "方正小标宋简体";
	font-weight: normal;
	border-bottom: solid 1px #1f4a92;
	padding: 0.2em 0em 0.5em 0em;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
	text-indent: 0em;
/* 章标题居左带粗线 */
h2.bodycontent-prefix-text-top {
	font-family: "DK-XIAOBIAOSONG", "方正小标宋简体";
	font-size: 22px;
	color: #91531d;
	font-weight: normal;
	margin-top: 2%;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
	text-indent: 0em;
	padding-bottom: 1em;
	border-bottom: solid 4px #e8c696;
/* 章标题居右 */
h2.preface-title-two {
	font-size: 22px;
	font-family: "DK-XIAOBIAOSONG", "方正小标宋简体";
	text-align: right;
	font-weight: normal;
	color: #cf181a;
	margin-bottom: 3em;
/* 章标题居中带虚线 */
h2.chapter-title-center {
	font-family: "DK-XIAOBIAOSONG", "方正小标宋简体";
	font-weight: normal;
	font-size: 22px;
	color: #478686;
	text-align: center;
	border-bottom: dashed 1px #478686;
	margin-bottom: 2em;
	padding: 0.3em 0em 0.3em 0em;
/* 二级标题 */
h3.title2 {
	font-family: "DK-HEITI", "方正兰亭黑简体", "黑体";
	font-size: 18px;
	duokan-text-indent: 0em;
	text-indent: 0em;
	font-weight: normal;
	color: #91531d;
	margin-top: 2.2em;
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/* 三级标题 */
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