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Releases: EpiModel/EpiModelHPC


31 Oct 16:46
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Last version before EpiModel 2.5.x

EpiModelHPC v2.1.0

07 Jan 21:14
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Fix bug in last commit with param.file.loc

EpiModelHPC v1.3.0

04 Aug 11:25
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This version has potentially breaking changes for netsim_hpc. Users should review the help file for netsim_hpc and update their scripts accordingly with respect to the argument, as necessary, before updating.

EpiModel.hpc v1.1.0

11 Jun 20:37
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  • Add a compress argument for savesim function.
  • Add required.pkgs argument to netsim_hpc function.
  • merge_simfiles function will merge a series of simulations contained in .rda files.
  • netsim_hpc can return object if both save.min and save.max are set to FALSE.
  • Add a mod_fit function to assess model fits for equilibrium prevalence or fit to empirical prevalence data.
  • qsub_master function automatically writes bash shell files given a set of varying input parameters.

EpiModel.hpc v1.0.1

23 Apr 18:23
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This version addresses comments by CRAN maintainers about the description of Torque systems in the DESCRIPTION file. I systematically clarified what I meant by Torque, replacing this with more general references to a PBS (Portable Batch System), of which Torque is one variety, in the documentation and vignettes.

EpiModel.hpc v1.0

23 Apr 04:17
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Initial release on CRAN