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My own version of Space Invaders entirely designed and coded in Lua with LÖVE framework (PC)


GPL-3.0, Zlib licenses found

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logo Invaders in Space - 2D Game

About the Project 📖

Invaders in Space is inspired by the classic arcade game Space Invaders. It follows the same mechanics with small variations.

Aliens are approaching Earth with anything but peaceful intentions. It's the player's mission to stop them before it's too late.

Game Dynamics 🎲

The aliens are spaced in a regular 12x6 rectangular formation. There are 3 different types of aliens each with a different health level: Green = 1, Yellow = 2, Red = 3.

The alien army travels from one side of the window to the other at a constant speed. Whenever they reach a side of the window they descend by the height of one alien and change direction.

The player controls a spaceship which can move along the x-axis at the bottom of the window. Projectiles can be shot to lower the health status of the aliens and, potentially, destroy their ships. Important: there can be only one of the player's projectiles on the screen at any time.

As the aliens are shot their health status decreases and their colour changes to correspond to their new health level(Red->Yellow->Green).

The aliens shoot at a random interval of between 1 and 3 seconds. The player has 3 health bars. Every time the player is hit, one health bar is lost. If the player loses their last bar, the game ends in DEFEAT and the aliens destroy Earth. The same result is obtained if one of the aliens collides with the player's spaceship.

For each alien spaceship destroyed, the remaining troops increase the pace of their movement and their average shooting rate. No one can tolerate the death of a comrade, after all.

Victory is accomplished by eliminating all the aliens before they kill the player and obliterate Earth!

Built with ⌨️

  • Lua (v5.4.2)
  • LÖVE (Framework - v11.4)

Start Playing (Windows only) 🎮

To play the game, download the zip folder

Extract the files into a new folder, open the .exe file and enjoy!


Program and Execute Project 🗔

  • Programming language needed: Lua (v5.4.2)
  • Lua Framework needed: LÖVE (v11.4)

Clone directory on your device:

git clone

Files and Code 📄

Configurations/Settings ⚙️

The conf.lua file contains all the main back-end configurations of the application. It includes: window default size, LÖVE version, console visibility, audio control, input control (mouse, keyboard, joystick), etc. The function layout has been taken from the original LÖVE website and adjusted to suit the game's settings.

Global Constants 🌐

Many of the constant variables need to be accessed by different files. Hence, all of the shared constant variables are declared and assigned in the file globals.lua. Lua does not include any constant variable feature like the programming languages C/C++. Therefore, to distinguish them from normal variables, all the constants have been declared in uppercase.

Class Library 📚

To ensure flexibility and readability of the project, everything has been assigned to a class and managed using Object-Oriented Programming. In the project repository, the classic folder contains a library which simplifies the operation of classes:

path: classic/classic.lua

Entity Class 👤

The majority of the entities in the game, e.g. aliens, player, projectiles, require a sprite/picture and a location denoted by a set of X-Y coordinates. Therefore, the file entity.lua is an Object class that is shared among most of the entities as a parent-class.

Entity = Object:extend()

function Entity:new(image, x, y) = 0

    self.quads = {}
    self.width = 0
    self.height = 0
    self.image = image
    self.image_width = self.image:getWidth()
    self.image_height = self.image:getHeight()

    self.x = x
    self.y = y


The size of the entity depends on the picture that it uses. The picture is measured by the Constructor Function, Entity:new(). The self.quads array is employed by entities that use only a specific quad (section of their picture), or to combine quads to form an animation. The following class method is used to divide the picture into quads and store them in the self.quads array:

function Entity:setQuads()
    for i=0,math.floor(self.image_width / self.width) - 1 do
        local quad =*(self.width + 1), 0, self.width, self.height, self.image_width, self.image_height)
        table.insert(self.quads, quad)

Entities 👥

The child-classes of the Entity are stored in the following files:

  • player.lua
  • enemy.lua
  • projectile.lua
  • explosion.lua
  • star.lua

Each of these takes the Entity class their main one and then develops on top of it to add the features only that specific object has.

As the button and text objects require unique parameters, they are the only ones that do not inherit from the Entity class.

Pages 🗐

The game contains multiple "pages" including: menu, tutorial, game and gameover. Each page is assigned as a unique Object class which contains all the parameters and methods needed when the player is in that specific page.

These pages are stored in different files:

  • menu.lua
  • tutorial.lua
  • game.lua
  • gameover.lua

Main File ⚡

All pages are managed by the main.lua file. Here, in the love.load() function, all the other files are included through the require() function.

Object = require("classic/classic")

The various pages are then stored in variables as objects so their properties can be accessed and manipulated.

background = Background()
menu = Menu()
game = Game()
tutorial = Tutorial()
gameover = Gameover()

The LÖVE framework includes functions that automatically manage the loading, updating and drawing functionalities of the game by the following lines which the main.lua file contains:

function love.load()
function love.update()
function love.draw()

The page that is illustrated to the player is determined by the current_page variable.

e.g. If the current page is "Start", only the background:draw() and game:draw() functions are drawn.

function love.draw()
    if (current_page == "Menu") then
    elseif (current_page == "Start") then
    elseif (current_page == "Tutorial") then
    elseif (current_page == "Game Over") then

Background 🔳

The game and menu background graphics are uniquely generated every time the game is loaded. The background is filled in black. Planets and stars are then generated and moved upwards to create a moving effect of the aliens moving downwards.

Planets and stars are randomly generated based on the rand variable. The generateStars() function gives a value to rand in between 1 and 100 every set amount of time determined by self.star_timer_max. Whenever the value is 80 or less, a star is produced; otherwise, a planet is generated. The main idea is to create a different animated background every time the game is played.

function Background:generateStars(dt)
    if (self.star_timer >= self.star_timer_max) then
        -- Create a random number and select whether generate a star or planet
        local rand = math.random(1,100)
        if (rand <= 80) then
            table.insert(self.stars, Star(star_pic, math.random(0, WINDOW_WIDTH), WINDOW_HEIGHT))
            table.insert(self.planets, Star(planets_pic, math.random(0, WINDOW_WIDTH), WINDOW_HEIGHT + PLANETS_HEIGHT))

        -- Reset timer and randomize a new max
        self.star_timer = 0
        self.star_timer_max = math.random(1, 2)
        self.star_timer = self.star_timer + dt

Whether a star or planet is generated, in the code, both of them are defined as stars. However, when a new star entity is declared, if the planets picture is inserted, then a planet is generated instead and a random planet quad among the three present in the planets picture is selected.

Youtube Video - Quick Description ▶️

Invaders in Space:

Reference links 🔗

LÖVE Website: LOVE2D

Classes Library (classic): GitHub/rxi/classic

Title Font: Font Generator

Graphics/Pixel Art: Piskelapp

Sound Effects: SOUNDFISHING, pixabay, Free Sound Effects, Win Sound - Youtube, Lose Sound - Youtube

Aknowledgements 🤝

Harvard University Online Course (edx50) - Introduction to Computer Science

Licences 🖋️

This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0. This project uses the Love2D framework, which is distributed under the zlib/libpng license. The terms of the Love2D license can be found in the LICENSE-Love2D file. This project uses the classic library. The terms of the classic license can be found in the classic/LICENCE file.


My own version of Space Invaders entirely designed and coded in Lua with LÖVE framework (PC)




GPL-3.0, Zlib licenses found

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