Log4jruby is a thin wrapper around the Log4j Logger.
It is geared more toward those who are using JRuby to integrate with and build on top of Java code that uses Log4j.
The Log4jruby::Logger
provides an interface much like the standard ruby Logger.
Logging is configured via traditional Log4j methods.
The primary use case (i.e., mine) for this library is that you are already up and running with Log4j and now you want to use it for your Ruby code too. There is not much help here for configuration. In our environment, we deploy Rails apps that call and extend Java code into Tomcat as WARs and use a log4j.properties to configure. For the most part, all there is to using log4jruby is making sure the log4j jar is required and that Log4j is at least minimally configured (e.g., log4j.properties in the CLASSPATH). The examples should give you the idea.
- Filename, line number, and method name are available (if tracing is on) to your appender layout via MDC.
- Exceptions can be logged directly and are output with backtraces. Java Exceptions (i.e.,
) are logged with full java backtrace(including nested exceptions). - Logging config for your ruby code can be added to your existing configuration. Ruby logger names are mapped to dot separated names prefixed with .jruby
log4j.appender.Ruby.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p %.50X{fileName} %X{methodName}:%X{lineNumber} - %m%n
As noted above, configuring log4j is left to the client. You must load and configure log4j before requiring log4jruby.
There are multiple ways to do so.
In our environment, we deploy Rails apps that call and extend Java code to Tomcat as WAR files.
We provision our app servers with log4j.jar
and a log4j.properties
file in in $TOMCAT_HOME/lib
You may also add log4j.jar and path to config file into CLASSPATH via environment variables, JAVA_OPTS
, etc...
Or add them into $CLASSPATH
at runtime before loading log4jruby. See examples/setup.rb.
Note: If you're using bundler, you can specify gem 'log4jruby', require: false
in your Gemfile to delay loading the gem too early.
In a Rails application, add the following in config/application.rb
or the appropriate config/environments
config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(Log4jruby::Logger.get('MyApp'))
or older versions of Rails
config.logger = Log4jruby::Logger.get('MyApp')
def foo
logger.debug("hello from foo")
rescue => e
DEBUG jruby.MyClass foo:17 - hello from foo
DEBUG jruby.MyClass bar:24 - hello from bar
DEBUG jruby.MyClass baz:29 - hello from baz
ERROR jruby.MyClass foo:20 - error from baz
examples/simple.rb:30:in `baz'
examples/simple.rb:25:in `bar'
examples/simple.rb:18:in `foo'
examples/simple.rb:35:in `(root)'
See more in log4jruby/examples.
class MyClass
class << self
def my_class_method
logger.info("hello from class method")
def my_method
logger.info("hello from instance method")
INFO jruby.MyModule.A my_class_method:14 - hello from class method
INFO jruby.MyModule.A my_method:19 - hello from instance method
See more in log4jruby/examples.. They should be runnable from the source.