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is a web service for working with projects, employees and tasks.


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ProjectManagementSystem - это веб-сервис для работы с проектами, сотрудниками и задачами.

ProjectManagementSystem is a web service for working with projects, employees and tasks.

Используемые технологии / Technologies used

  1. .NET 7.0
  2. ASP.NET Core Web API
  3. MS SQL Server

Библиотеки / Libraries

Application layer

  1. FluentResults - Version="3.15.2"
  2. FluentValidation.AspNetCore - Version="11.3.0"
  3. Mapster - Version="7.4.0"
  4. MediatR - Version="12.1.1"
  5. Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens - Version="6.24.0"
  6. System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt - Version="6.24.0"
  7. System.Linq.Dynamic.Core - Version="1.3.5"
  8. ProjectReference Include = \Domain\Domain.csproj

Infrastructure layer

  1. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore - Version="7.0.12"
  2. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer - Version="7.0.12"
  3. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools - Version="7.0.12"
  4. ProjectReference Include = \Application\Application.csproj

WebApi(Presentation) layer

  1. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer - Version="7.0.12"
  2. Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi - Version="7.0.12"
  3. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design - Version="7.0.12"
  4. Newtonsoft.Json - Version="13.0.3"
  5. Serilog.AspNetCore - Version="7.0.0"
  6. Serilog.Sinks.Console - Version="4.1.0"
  7. Serilog.Sinks.File - Version="5.0.0"
  8. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger - Version="6.5.0"
  9. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen - Version="6.5.0"
  10. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI - Version="6.5.0"
  11. ProjectReference = \Application\Application.csproj; \Infrastucture\Infrastucture.csproj

Tests layer (ApplicationTests)

  1. FluentAssertions - Version="6.12.0"
  2. Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk - Version="17.7.2"
  3. Moq - Version="4.20.69"
  4. xunit - Version="2.5.3"
  5. xunit.runner.visualstudio - Version="2.5.3"
  6. ProjectReference = \Application\Application.csproj; \Domain\Domain.csproj

To install and run the project you need:

  1. Download and install the development environment.
  2. Download and install MS SQL Server 2023 or higher database.
  3. Clone the project repository from GitHub.
  4. Perform a database migration using the Update-Database command in the Package Manager Console.

Бизнес логика / Business logic


  1. [Post] /api/Auth/login - authorization with parameters: email, password
  2. [Post] /api/Auth/create - employee registration with parameters: fistname, lastname, patronymic, email, password, role


  1. [Get] /api/Employee - returns a list of employees
  2. [Delete] /api/Employee - accepts an array of ids of the employees to be deleted and returns the ids of the deleted employees
  3. [Get] /api/Employee/{id} - accepts employee id and returns his data
  4. [Patch] /api/Employee/update - endpoint for updating employee data
  5. [Patch] /appi/Employee/addToProject - adds an employee to the project, parameters: project id, employee id
  6. [Patch] /api/Employee/removeFromProject - removes an employee from the project, parameters: project id, employee id
  7. [Patch] /api/Employee/appoint - appoints an employee as a project manager, parameters: project id, employee id


  1. [Get] /api/Project - returns a list of projects
  2. [Delete] /api/Project - accepts an array of projects to be deleted and returns the id of the deleted projects
  3. [Get] /api/Project/{id} - accepts the project id and returns its data
  4. [Post] /api/Project/create - creates a project, parameters: name, customerCompanyName, performingCompanyName, startDate, endDate, priority
  5. [Patch] /api/Project/update - endpoint for updating project data
  6. [Get] /api/Project/{field} - accepts a field (ex: name | customerCompanyName) and returns a list of matching projects
  7. [Post] /api/Project/date - returns projects corresponding to the date, parameters: startDate, endDate


  1. [Post] /api/Task/create - creates a task, parameters: name, comment, status, priority, projectId, authorId
  2. [Delete] /api/Task - deletes employee tasks, parameters: employeeId, tasksId[array]
  3. [Get] /api/Task - returns a list of tasks
  4. [Get] /api/Task/{id} - accepts the task id and returns its data
  5. [Patch] /api/Task/update - endpoint for updating task data