Simple implementation of KNN Algorithm, COS Similarity, Logistic Regression in Python
using Cosine similarity to recommend some films from the dataset based on the genres and the total rating.
Simple GUI made with C#/WPF to run the script with command line args and read the results
Enter the film name :The Dark Knight
output :
Film : Batman Begins | Rate : 9.3
Film : Gone Girl | Rate : 9.0
Film : A Separation | Rate : 8.7
using the k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (KNN) to classify films to it's genres by asking some questions :
Please Answer this Questions :
have you seen any kisses in this film ?yes
have you seen any hits or voilance ?no
have you seen any space ships ?no
have you seen any forests ?no
have you seen any blood ?no
have you seen cartoon characters ?yes
have you seen any wars ?no
output (k=1) :
You Film Is Classified as : Animation , by : 67 %
using Binary Logistic Regression Algorithm to predict the acceptance of student in the interview based on his grades [GPA , GRE , TOEFL]
please enter GPA GRE TOEFL :2 10 60
output :
User Accpted : 0
this code implementation is for learning purpose only