- Overview
- Demo video
- Project Set up and Installation
- Setup
- Downloading Models Inference Files
- Arguments Documentation
- Running the app
- Directory Structure of the project
- Benchmarks
- Results
- Edge Cases
Computer Pointer Controller is an application that uses a gaze detection model to control the mouse pointer using an input video or a live stream from your webcam
See this guide for installing openvino.
- For windows:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\bin\
- Face Detection Model
- Facial Landmarks Detection Model
- Head Pose Estimation Model
- Gaze Estimation Model
- Downloading Models for Face Detection Model
python <openvino directory>/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/downloader.py --name "face-detection-adas-binary-0001"
for landmarks-regression-retail-0009
python /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/downloader.py --name "landmarks-regression-retail-0009"
for head-pose-estimation-adas-0001
python /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/downloader.py --name "head-pose-estimation-adas-0001"
for gaze-estimation-adas-0002
python /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/downloader.py --name "gaze-estimation-adas-0002"
- project_file.py has several arguments
- -h : Get information about all the command line arguments
- -fd : (required) Specify the path of Face Detection model's name as shown below for specific precision "FP32-INT1"
-fd C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino_2020.1.033\deployment_tools\open_model_zoo\tools\downloader\intel\face-detection-adas-binary-0001\FP32-INT1\face-detection-adas-binary-0001
- -fl : (required) Specify the path of Facial landmarks Detection model's name as shown below for specific precision "FP16"
-fl "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino_2020.1.033\deployment_tools\open_model_zoo\tools\downloader\intel\landmarks-regression-retail-0009\FP16\landmarks-regression-retail-0009"
- -hp : (required) Specify the path of hose pose Detection model's name as shown below for specific precision "FP16"
-hp "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino_2020.1.033\deployment_tools\open_model_zoo\tools\downloader\intel\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001\FP16\head-pose-estimation-adas-0001"
- -ge : (required) Specify the path of gaze estimation model's name as shown below for specific precision "FP16"
-ge "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino_2020.1.033\deployment_tools\open_model_zoo\tools\downloader\intel\gaze-estimation-adas-0002\FP16\gaze-estimation-adas-0002"
- -i : (required) Specify the path of input video file or enter cam for taking input video from webcam as shown below
-i D:\starter\starter\bin\demo.mp4
- -d : (optional) Specify the target device to infer the video file on the model. Suppoerted devices are: CPU, GPU, FPGA (For running on FPGA used HETERO:FPGA,CPU), MYRIAD.
- -l : (optional) Specify the absolute path of cpu extension if some layers of models are not supported on the device.
- -pt : (optional) Specify the probability threshold for face detection model to detect the face accurately from video frame.
- -flag : (optional) Specify the flags from fd, fl, hp, ge to visualize the output of corresponding models of each frame (write flags with space seperation. as shown below
-flag fl fd ge
- Run on CPU
python <project_file.py directory> -fd <Face detection model name directory> -fl <Facial landmark detection model name directory> -hp <head pose estimation model name directory> -ge <Gaze estimation model name directory> -i <input video directory> -d CPU
- Run on GPU
python <project_file.py directory> -fd <Face detection model name directory> -fl <Facial landmark detection model name directory> -hp <head pose estimation model name directory> -ge <Gaze estimation model name directory> -i <input video directory> -d GPU
- Run on FPGA
python <project_file.py directory> -fd <Face detection model name directory> -fl <Facial landmark detection model name directory> -hp <head pose estimation model name directory> -ge <Gaze estimation model name directory> -i <input video directory> -d HETERO:FPGA,CPU
- Run on NSC2
python <project_file.py directory> -fd <Face detection model name directory> -fl <Facial landmark detection model name directory> -hp <head pose estimation model name directory> -ge <Gaze estimation model name directory> -i <input video directory> -d MYRIAD
src folder contains all the source files:-
- Contains preprocession of video frame, perform infernce on it and detect the face, postprocess the outputs.
- Take the deteted face as input, preprocessed it, perform inference on it and detect the eye landmarks, postprocess the outputs.
- Take the detected face as input, preprocessed it, perform inference on it and detect the head postion by predicting yaw - roll - pitch angles, postprocess the outputs.
- Take the left eye, rigt eye, head pose angles as inputs, preprocessed it, perform inference and predict the gaze vector, postprocess the outputs.
- Contains InputFeeder class which initialize VideoCapture as per the user argument and return the frames one by one.
- Contains MouseController class which take x, y coordinates value, speed, precisions and according these values it moves the mouse pointer by using pyautogui library.
- Users need to run main.py file for running the app.
bin folder contains demo video which user can use for testing the app and director structure image.
I have Submited three jobs using this script to the DevCloud, using same demo video, but different hardware:
- IEI Tank 870-Q170 edge node with an Intel® Core™ i5-6500TE (CPU)
- IEI Tank 870-Q170 edge node with an Intel® Core™ i5-6500TE (CPU + Integrated Intel® HD Graphics 530 card GPU)
- IEI Tank 870-Q170 edge node with an Intel® Core™ i5-6500TE, with IEI Mustang-F100-A10 card (Arria 10 FPGA).
for FP32
Type of Hardware Total inference time in seconds Time for loading the model fps CPU 68 1.5 9 GPU 69 55 9 FPGA 118 6 5 -
for FP16
Type of Hardware Total inference time in seconds Time for loading the model fps CPU 77 1.3 8 GPU 75 52.4 9 FPGA 125 4.5 5 -
for INT8
Type of Hardware Total inference time in seconds Time for loading the model fps CPU 79 1.3 8 GPU 74 52 .4 9 FPGA 130 3 5
- First of all, after decreasing prescison, accuracy of the model decreases
- As we see that GPA excutes more frames than the different hardwares, that goes the excution units and isntruction sets which is compatible and optmized with FP16
- FPGA takes higher inference time because it works on each gate and programmed it to be compatible for this application
- If there is more than one face detected, it extracts only one face and do inference on it and ignoring other faces.