Practical support for the data engineering course
This lab contains all the necessary resources for the practical parts of the course.
It will be regularly updated.
You'll need docker desktop for this lab.
- Install scoop -- section Typical Installation
- Install make
scoop install main/make
Clone the repo on your machine git clone
- Enter into the folder
cd lab-data-engineering-course
To run the postgres stack (with pgadmin) :
- Start the postgres stack (with pgadmin) using
make start-postgres
-- Look at the log on Docker Desktop to see if any error happens... - Go to
to use the pgadmin interface - Stop the postgres stack using
make stop-postgres
To run the mongo stack :
- Start the mongo stack using
make start-mongo
-- Look at the log on Docker Desktop to see if any error happens... - Go to
to use the nosqlclient interface - Stop the mongo stack using
make stop-mongo
You will use pgAdmin to design the queries.
Start the docker compose stack with postgres using make start-postgres
Connect on http://localhost:8080 with your browser Here is the logging information to use : User : Password : admin
Declare your postgresql database in pgadmin Here are the parameters to use :
- General / name : postgres
- Connection / host : esme_postgresql
- Connection / port : 5432
- Connection / username : postgres
- Connection / password : 1234
- Explore to query the database You can use the query tool --> right click on the database / query tool
Start the docker compose stack with mongo using make start-mongo
Go to localhost:3000
to use the nosqlclient interface.