Note: This library seamlessly functions across all platforms, ensuring compatibility without any issues.
Returns a URL for a placeholder image with the specified dimensions and colors.
String url = getPlaceHolderImage(w: 200, h: 100, backgroundColor: "FF0000", textColor: "00FF00"); print(url); // Output:
Global Overlay Alert: This alert will remain at the top of the screen at all times until it is closed.
cShowAlwaysOnTopAlert( context: context, title: "Alert", message: "Testing...............", ok: () { cCloseAlwaysOnTopAlert(); }, );
Opens a file picker dialog allowing the user to select an image file, optionally crop it, and then perform actions based on user interaction.
cPickAndCropImage( context, cropDisable: false, aspectRatio: 1.7, cancelButton: () { setState(() { croppedImg = null; }); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, okButton: (Uint8List data, String fileName) { /// selected file name debugPrint(fileName); setState(() { croppedImg = data; /// Load image to ui using 'Image.memory(croppedImg)' }); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ),
get device id in all available devices platform (android, ios, windows, linux, mac, web(get info details))
await cGetDeviceId()
Takes a screenshot of a widget using a [GlobalKey] and returns it as a [Uint8List] (PNG image).
cTakePicture(GlobalKey); // wrap with RepaintBoundary then use key to create image RepaintBoundary( key: GlobalKey, child:Text('data'), )
flutter platform
just call these functions anywhere
cIsAndroid cIsIOS cIsLinux cIsWindows cIsMacOS cIsWeb cIsFuchsia
flutter url structure remove hash from url (
void main(){ // Here we set the URL strategy for our web app. cSetPathUrl(); runApp(MyApp()); }
Make a
responsive gridView
by using both1 and 2
to minus size from calculation
Based on your static design's
, calculate the responsivegrid item count
.crossAxisCount: cGetResCrossCountGrid( context: context, width: 180, ),
For responsive grid item
aspect ratio
, it should be derived from your static design based onheight
.childAspectRatio: cGetResGridRatio( context: context, height: 165, width: 180, ),
For normal grid
aspect ratio
> Having this aspect ratio will never break in larger or smaller devicescrossAxisCount: 2, childAspectRatio: cGetGridRatio( crossAxisCount: 2, context: context, height: 165, width: 180, ),
Your provided
determine how it works
For duration and delay
void splash() { // cDays, cHours, cMinutes, cSeconds, cMilliseconds 2.cSeconds.cDelay(() { // code here }); // given number in seconds 3.cDelay(() { // code here }); }
An extension for nullable [
] objects, providing a method to convert them to a formatted string in AM/PM format or display 'Invalid date' if the [TimeOfDay
] object is null.cTimeOfDayToString()
TimeOfDay? timeOfDay = TimeOfDay(hour: 14, minute: 30); String formattedTime = timeOfDay.cTimeOfDayToString(); print(formattedTime); // Output: "2:30 PM" timeOfDay = null; formattedTime = timeOfDay.cTimeOfDayToString(); print(formattedTime); // Output: "Invalid date"
This method attempts to parse the input string in both 12-hour and 24-hour time formats and returns a [
] object if parsing is successful, or null if the string cannot be parsed as a valid time.cToTimeOfDay()
String timeString = "2:30 PM"; TimeOfDay? timeOfDay = timeString.cToTimeOfDay(); if (timeOfDay != null) { print("Parsed time: $timeOfDay"); } else { print("Invalid time format"); }
This method combines the date part of the current [
] instance with the hour and minute components from the provided [time
final date =; final time = TimeOfDay(hour: 15, minute: 30); final combinedDateTime = date.cApplied(time); print(combinedDateTime); // Output: 2023-09-15:30:00.000
Optionally, you can provide a custom [
] string to specify the desired date format. If [format
] is not provided, the default formatdd/MM/yyyy
will be used.cGetFormattedDate()
final date =; final formattedDate = date.cGetFormattedDate(format: 'MM-dd-yyyy'); print(formattedDate); // Output: 09-13-2023
String date = '2023-09-13'; String formattedDate = date.cGetFormattedDate(format: 'MMMM d, y'); // Result: 'September 13, 2023'
This method calculates the difference between the current [
] instance and the current date and time and provides an aging description.cDateToAging()
final pastDate = DateTime(2022, 3, 10); final agingString = pastDate.cDateToAging(); print(agingString); // Output: "1 year ago"
String date = '2023-08-01T12:34:56'; String agingDescription = date.cDateToAging(); // Result: '1 month ago'
Converts a string representation of a date and time into a [
] object.cGetDateFromString()
// Example date and time string String dateString = "2023-09-26 14:30:00"; // Attempt to parse the date string into a DateTime object DateTime? dateTime = dateString.cGetDateFromString(); // Check if parsing was successful if (dateTime != null) { print("Parsed DateTime: $dateTime"); } else { print("Failed to parse the string as DateTime."); }
- Get the MediaQuery
context.cSize // getSize(context)
context.cMQuery // mQuery(context)
context.cOrient // orientation
context.cIsLand // landscape
context.cIsPort // portrait
'text'.cToCapitalized 'text'.cToTitleCase 'text'.cIsLowerCase 'text'.cIsAllCap 'text'.cReverse 'text'.cIsDigit 'text'.cIsEmail 'text'.cIsAlphabetOnly 'text'.cIsPhoneIND 'text'.cIsURL 'text'.cIsPhoneNumber 'true'.cToBoolean // 0,1 also available '1000'.cToCurrencyIND // ₹ 1,000.00 '1000'.cToCurrency() // ₹ 1,000 000.0.cToDistance // (00 km, 00 m available) 000.0.cToWeight // (00 g, 00 kg available)
String offer = cGetOffer(offerPrice: 90,ordinalPrice: 100); // 10 %
final word = cBuildString((sb) { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { sb.write(i); } }); // 0123456789
Get Random item from list
['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd'].cRandomSelect.toString()
Get first item from list (if list is empty then result will be null)
['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd'].cFirst ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd'].cFirstWhere((e)=>(type your condition here)))
This extension provides a method to convert a Flutter
object to its hexadecimal representation with an optional leading hash sign. The resulting hexadecimal string includes the alpha, red, green, and blue components of the color = Color(0xFF42A5F5); final hexString = color.cToHex(); // Returns: "#FF42A5F5"
This extension provides a method to convert a hexadecimal color code represented as a String into a Flutter
object. The color code can optionally include a leading hash sign ('#'). If the input color code has 6 or 7 characters (with or without the hash sign), the method will assume it represents a color with an alpha component and append 'ff' to the color code to make it fully colorCode = '#FF42A5F5'; final color = colorCode.cToColor(); // Returns: Color(0xFF42A5F5)
A customizable widget that wraps its child with hover and tap functionality.
CClick( onTap: () => print('Tapped!'), onHover: (isHovering) => print('Hover state: $isHovering'), child: Container( width: 100, height: 100, color:, child: Center(child: Text('Click me')), ), )
Allows you to handle
Text('data').cPadZero // cMargZero Text('data').cPadAll(10) // cMargAll Text('data').cPadOnly(l: 10, r: 10, t: 10, b: 10,) // cMargOnly Text('data').cPadSymmetric(h: 10, v: 10,), // cMargSymmetric
Allows you to handle
Container().cClipAll(10) Container().cClipHorizontal(l:10, r:10,) Container().cClipVertical(t:10, b:10,) Container().cClipOnly(tl: 10, tr: 10, bl: 10, br: 10,)
Allows you to insert widgets inside a
More widgets
Text('data').cVisible(true) Text('data').cOpacity(0.3) Text('data').cAbsorb(true) Text('data').cShadow() Text('data').cHero(tag) Text('data').cSizedBox(h:10,w:10)
Allows you to handle Alignment
Text('data').cAlignment(Alignment.topCenter) Text('data').cPosition(l: 10, r: 10, t: 10, b: 10,) Text('data').cToCenter Text('data').cExpand(2)
For PreferredSize
Text('data').cPreferSize(20) Text('data').cAspectRatio(1.2)
A set of extensions on the base [Widget] class to add custom banner functionality.
Widget myWidget = ...; Widget bannerWidget = myWidget.cBanner( disable: false, location: BannerLocation.topStart, message: 'Custom Banner', color: );
- Nasif A ( Developer )
- Abdulla Ramees PK ( Developer )
- Fasna sherin P ( Developer )
- Sharun MP ( Developer )
- Shimna AO ( Developer )
- Nashwa K ( Developer )
- Sharafas OM ( Maintainer and Publisher )