Welcome to EstReal – Real Estate Data Analysis and Classification Tool!
EstReal is a technology-driven company dedicated to revolutionizing the way real estate data is gathered, analyzed, and classified. Our aim is to provide cutting-edge solutions for professionals in the real estate industry, empowering them with advanced analytics and artificial intelligence tools.
Empowering Real Estate Professionals: We strive to empower real estate professionals with a powerful desktop-web application that offers in-depth insights into the Georgian real estate market. Our mission is to enhance decision-making processes through innovative data analysis and classification.
Leading the Future of Real Estate Analytics: EstReal envisions being a leader in the future of real estate analytics. We aspire to set new standards in the industry by continuously innovating and adapting to the evolving needs of our users.
- Web Scraping: Our application leverages web scraping to gather real estate data from various sources.
- Advanced Analytics: Utilizing sophisticated analytics functions for data classification and analysis.
- Neural Network Classifier: Implementing a powerful AI-based system for data classification.
- Data Visualization: Providing interactive and visually appealing tools for data visualization on maps, graphs, and tables.
- User-Friendly Interface: Developing a user-friendly and intuitive interface for both technical and non-technical users.
For inquiries or support, please contact us at:
- Email: info@estreal.ge
- Phone: (+995) 599 99 87 30
EstReal Team