DC Voltage = 1.5 V
AC Magnitude = 0 V
Number of Noise/freq pairs = 0
Pattern Parameter data = 100100100
Pattern Parameter rptstart = 1
Pattern Parameter rpttimes = 0
Trigger = Internal
Number of Periodic Jitters = 0
One value = 1.5 V
Zero Value = 0 V
Period = 18 ns
- Achieved an Average power consumption(P) of 27.46 x 10 ^ -6 W at Fast Fast(FF) corner Analysis.
- Obtained a minimum Propagation Delay(D) of 9.047 ns (Rise to Fall Edge) and 9.057 ns (Fall to Rise Edge).
Optimized for Practical Use: Designed for low power, high speed, and reliable operation, suitable for digital pattern recognition applications.
Special thanks to Sarath Kumar Suda(https://github.com/SudaSarath66) for their valuable contributions to the design and implementation of this project.
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