ID: G00393941
The App must run - When the ionic serve command is issued, after cloning and installing modules I expect the app to open in the browser.
The App should use:
- the built-in Data Binding properties – e.g. interpolation, two-way data binding.
- Used in for the search bar
- navigation - At some point your app must navigate between at least 4 pages.
- an Ionic Native/Cordova plugin.
- In App Browser for opening episodes page
- a http client to read JSON data from an external URL.
- Data Persistence.
- Used to save and load the list of shows the user is currently watching
- the built-in Data Binding properties – e.g. interpolation, two-way data binding.
The App must be structured in standard, organised and consistent fashion.
There must be a comment for each non-obvious line of code you add to the project.
The submission process must be followed (see below).
The project must be created using ionic start G0000001 template, where G0000001 is your Student ID.
A User Guide should be added to the wiki section of your GitHub repository.