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Demo (VCL)

Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Sep 5, 2020 · 5 revisions

Demo IconFontsImageListDemo (VCL)

Using the Demo project "IconFontsImageListDemo" located in: IconFontsImageList\Demo\DXXX you can see how it simple to use this component, expecially to make operation normally difficult with standard ImageList, like resizing and changing colors.

The demo uses a shared datamodule with a TIconFontsImageCollection to provide the Icon Fonts to the forms.

The Main Form is different:

  • for Delphi version from 10.3 it uses a TVirtualImageList (UMainNew.pas/dfm)
  • for Delphi version before 10.3 it uses a TIconFontsVirtualImageList (unit UMain.pas/dfm)
  • form Delphi 7 and Delphi 2010 it uses a TIconFontsVirtualImageList (unit UMainOld.pas/dfm)

See How-To:

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