- To develop a website that provides useful information to poeple rather than a simple website, it was proposed to develop a website based on the 'sharing economy business (*)'.
- A expression that refers to economic activities by recognizing goods as a concept of borrowing and lending, rather than owning. ex) Uber, Airbnb
- The item to share was selected as a bicycle purchased by students at the university and rarely used (owned by someone but not used).
- So, the proposed website is named as Meaningcle, which is a combination of Meaning (representing meaningful actions in terms of sharing resources, not a general sales webiste) and Bicycle.
- sign in, sign up
- personalized setting page
- shopping cart, wish list
- free bullentin board, bulletin board comment function
- customized recommendation of bicycle
- recently registered bicycle display
- bicycle conditional search (by rental fee, by type of bicycle)
- bicycle search results display on a map with markers (when the markers are clicked on the map, you can see only the bikes at that location)
- live chatting function with renters and bike owners (ajax)
- Web Server: Apache
- Language: php (backend), html/css/js (frontend), ajax (async javascript)