Do you sometimes PVP or hold an activity in Minecraft? But it is a little difficult to teleport your players to your location. EusRECALL has solved this problem.
Server : Bukkit / Spigot / PaperSpigot 1.15.X [Continually Updated]
Depends : Vault
- Teleport Players to a fixed location.
- Players can accept your request by themselves.
- You can cancel your request when it doesn't end.
- You can customize some parameters. (config.yml)
- EusRECALL uses Apache2.0 License to open source.
- /rc --- The main command in EusRECALL , you can call your players in this way . But it will cost your money , also it will set up a timer , when time is up , request will be closed , you can customize them in "Config.yml".By the way , don't type this command too many times , server won't let it start !
Timer Example
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(this , new Runnable() {
public void run() {
sender.sendMessage("§d§l[[RECALL]]: Starting the timer...");
try {
//RECALL.duration form config.yml
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
- /rcaccept [PlayerName] --- Accept a player's "RECALL" request . But , please remember the [PlayerName]
- /rccancel --- Cancel your request
- /rchelp --- Get EusRECALL help
Every Commands can not be used in server console , but it will only write a log .
If you find a bug in this plugin or make suggestions for this plugin, please feedback in Issues, thank you !
- Leaves123 --- Code Check & Update
- ElaBosak233 --- Main Dev.
Apache 2.0 License