IASK is an online platform for managing polls, which aims to extract specific data from a certain group of people, in the form of direct questions and answers.
After configuring the project locally on your machine, run the following commands:
Step 1: php artisan migrate:fresh --seed (To create the database tables and generate the test user)
Step 2: php artisan serves (To start the project)
Step 3 (optional): php artisan queue:work (To start email service)
Step 4 (optional): php artisan schedule:work (To start schedule task service)
Click here to access the login page.
Test email: admin@gmail.com
Password: admin
- Alternative authentication: Using your Gmail account;
- Jobs: To send a survey by email;
- Cron Job: For scheduling tasks (changing the status of survey after they reach their expiration date);
- Broadcast and Events: Real-time update on the frontend;
- Pusher: API for real-time notification;
- And much more.
This project was developed using the Laravel Version 9 framework
- PHP/Laravel
- JQuery
- MySql
Get in touch with me from my linkedin, in order to contribute to this or future projects.
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