Improved protection for modded servers.
This is a remake of KaiKikuchi's ForgeRestrictor!
Curently supports :
- WorldGuard (On all versions)
- GriefPreventionPlus (On 1.7.10 and 1.12.2)
- PlotSquared (On all versions)
- GriefPrevention (only 1.16.5)
- IridiumSkyblock (tested 1.20.1)
- SuperiorSkyblock2 (tested 1.20.1)
- FactionsUUID (tested 1.16.5)
- Minecraft 1.7.10 (requires Crucible)
- MineCraft 1.12.2 (tested on Mohist)
- Minecraft 1.16.5 (tested on CatServer and Archlight)
- Minecraft 1.20.1 (tested on Mohist)
This plugin requires: EverNifeCore
Also, this plugin requires the others protection plugins to work.
The main command is /fres
To add items to the list use, while holding the item, for example:
- /fres addHand aoe (will add the heldItem to the AOE list)
- /fres addHand ranged (will add the heldItem to the Ranged list)
- /fres addHand whitelist (will add the heldItem to the Whitelist list)
- /fres list <aoe|ranged|whitelist> (list all restricted items from each list)
- /fres reload (reloads the plugin)