Version 0.8.4
Open source for SmartTherm ESP8266/ESP32 OpenTherm controller
- code of OpenTherm Library by ihormelnyk
- AutoConnect Library by Hieromon
- DS18B20 Library by robtillaart
Build with PlatformIO
- Captive portal before WiFi connection
- Web interface after WiFi connection
- OpenTherm interface for Gas/Electric boiler contol (HVAC)
- Personal cloud control used
- Android application for local/remote control (betatest)
- TCP/UDP API interface
- up to 2 DS18B20 temperature sensors
- Add remote OT log
- Close AP after conection to WiFi router after timeout
- Add support for slave OpenTherm interface
- Change MQTT server string up to 80 characters
- MQTT settings read/write to separate config file
- Add link to controller web page from HA MQTT device card
- Add effective modulation for the previous hour MQTT sensor
- Add build variant with onboard relay
- Add support for OT:MaxRelModLevelSetting
- Add support for OT:RemoteRequest (BLOR)
- At PID startup and room setpoint change recalculate the integral part of PID to speed up reaching the target setpoint. I.e start and restart PID with non zero integral
- TCP API changes for Andriod application & remote server support
- PID changes
- add use ID29 (Tstorage) as Indirect Water Heaters temperature for Buderus
- Immergas fix
- add WinterMode (ID0:HB5) and Use_OTC (ID0:HB3) support
- speedup OT startup ~2 sec
- add binary CH and HW sensors to MQTT
- MQTT connect after detecting boiler Capabilities if OT work
- MQTT connect to server without reset at MQTT config changes
0.7.4 changes
- PID + weather-compensated automation (standalone + HA)
0.7.3 changes
- fixed autoreconnect to WiFi
0.7.1 changes
- Add MQTT and MQTT discovery for home assistant
v 0.6 changes
- TCP/UDP interface, Windows/Linux application SmartServer for TCP/UDP API
- config saved and read after reboot
- Hot water and CH2 enabled
- Increased free RAM
Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Evgen2. Licensed under the MIT license.