Laravel Elastic Email is a wrapper for Elastic Email. You can send e-mails in your project just like you usually do with Laravel's native mailers, the package makes sure the e-mails are send via the Elastic Email API using your Elastic Email account.
V1 - Laravel version 8.12 or higher. V2 - Laravel version 9.0 or higher.
- Step 1: Install package via composer.
composer require flexflux/laravel-elastic-email
- Step 2: Add your account and API keys to your .env file.
- Step 3: Update MAIL_MAILER with 'elastic_email' in your .env file.
- Step 4: Add this new mailer to your config/mail.php* file.
'mailers' => [
'elastic_email' => [
'transport' => 'elastic_email',
'key' => env('ELASTIC_KEY')
- Step 5: In your config/app.php file go to your providers array and add the following package provider:
'providers' => [
* Laravel Framework Service Providers...
- Step 5b: If you're using V1: comment out Laravel's default MailServiceProvider in the config/app.php.
Read Laravels documentation on how to send E-mails with the Laravel Framework.
Upgrade guide from V1 to V2:
- Turn the MailServiceProvider back on in your app.php config file.
- Remove your account ID environment variable.
- Update your elastic_email mailer attribute in your mail.php configuration.