This README is for the unreleased master branch, please reference the official documentation on hexdocs for the latest stable release.
A Mnesia backend for the Hammer rate-limiter.
This package is available in beta. If you have any problems, please open an issue.
Consider using Hammer.ETS
with counter increments broadcasted via Phoenix PubSub instead.
The package can be installed by adding hammer_backend_mnesia
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:hammer_backend_mnesia, "~> 0.7.0"},
Define the rate limiter using
backend:defmodule MyApp.RateLimit do use Hammer, backend: Hammer.Mnesia end
Add the rate limiter to your supervision tree:
children = [ # ... {MyApp.RateLimit, clean_period: :timer.minutes(1)} # ... ]
And that's it, calls to the rate limiter will use Mnesia to store the counters.
case MyApp.RateLimit.hit(key, _scale = :timer.minutes(1), _limit = 100) do {:allow, _count} -> :ok {:deny, retry_after} -> {:error, :rate_limit, "retry after #{retry_after}ms"} end
On hexdocs:
If you're having trouble, either open an issue on this repo, or reach out to the maintainers (@shanekilkelly) on Twitter.