Common Utils is a plugin that serves many common utilites in a day to day server life.
- Ability to change 914's class upgrades (ex. D Class goes in; scientist comes out, supports Custom Roles)
- Ability to add custom 914 recipes (supports Custom Items)
- Ability to make 914 apply effects and/or teleport players
- Ability to fully configure a welcome message.
- Ability to fully configure a periodic broadcast message.
- Ability to add custom starting inventories to all main classes.
- Ability to configure which roles can escape while cuffed and what role they'll become.
- Ability to change radio battery drain rate.
- Ability to configure all the various aspects of the AutoNuke.
- Ability to show player health in their custom info section.
- Ability to turn on Friendly Fire on round end (useful for no-FF servers).
- Ability to change the color of room lights during warhead.
- Ability to configure various aspects of our Anti AFK system.
- Ability to configure periodic cleanups of both ragdolls and items.
- Ability to change the damage each role deals and receives.
- Ability to change the damage each DamageType deals.
- Ability to configure how much hp each role gets after a kill.
- Ability to change the starting health of each class.
# If the plugin is enabled or not.
is_enabled: true
# Whether or not debug messages should be shown.
debug: false
# Roles that when cuffed in the escape area will change into the target one.
NtfCaptain: ChaosMarauder
ChaosMarauder: NtfCaptain
# The text displayed at the timed interval specified below.
timed_broadcast: '<color=#bfff00>This server is running </color><color=red>EXILED Common-Utilities</color><color=#bfff00>, enjoy your stay!</color>'
# The time each timed broadcast will be displayed.
timed_broadcast_duration: 5
# The delay between each timed broadcast. To disable timed broadcasts, set this to 0
timed_broadcast_delay: 0
# The message displayed to the player when they first join the server. Setting this to empty will disable these broadcasts.
join_message: ''
# The amount of time (in seconds) the join message is displayed.
join_message_duration: 5
# The amount of time (in seconds) after the round starts, before the facilities auto-nuke will start. Set to -1 to disable.
autonuke_time: -1
# Wether or not the nuke should be unable to be disabled during the auto-nuke countdown.
autonuke_lock: true
# The message given to all players when the auto-nuke is triggered. A duration of 2 or more will be a text message on-screen. A duration of 1 makes it a cassie announcement. A duration of 0 disables it.
# The broadcast content
content: 'The auto nuke has been activated.'
# The broadcast duration
duration: 10
# The broadcast type
type: Normal
# Indicates whether the broadcast should be shown or not
show: true
# Whether or not to show player's health under their name when you look at them.
player_health_info: false
# Whether or not friendly fire should automatically turn on when a round ends (it will turn itself back off before the next round starts).
friendly_fire_on_round_end: false
# The multiplier applied to radio battery usage. Set to 0 to disable radio battery drain.
radio_battery_drain_multiplier: 1
# Whether to change the color of lights while warhead is active.
change_warhead_color: false
# The color to use for lights while the warhead is active. In the RGBA format using values between 0 and 1. Ignored if ChangeWarheadColor is set to false.
r: 1
g: 0.2
b: 0.2
a: 1
# The maximum time, in seconds, that a player can be AFK before being kicked. Set to -1 to disable AFK system.
afk_limit: -1
# The roles that are ignored by the AFK system.
- Scp079
- Spectator
- Tutorial
- Filmmaker
- Overwatch
# Whether or not probabilities should be additive (50 + 50 = 100) or not (50 + 50 = 2 seperate 50% chances)
additive_probabilities: false
# The list of starting items for roles. ItemName is the item to give them, and Chance is the percent chance of them spawning with it, and Group allows you to restrict the item to only players with certain RA groups (Leave this as 'none' to allow all players to get the item). You can specify the same item multiple times.
- item_name: 'KeycardJanitor'
chance: 10
group: 'none'
- item_name: 'Coin'
chance: 100
group: 'none'
- item_name: 'Flashlight'
chance: 100
group: 'none'
slot3: []
slot4: []
slot5: []
slot6: []
slot7: []
slot8: []
- ammo_type: Ammo556x45
amount: 200
group: 'none'
# The list of custom 914 recipies. OriginalItem is the item being upgraded, NewItem is the item to upgrade to, and Chance is the percent chance of the upgrade happening. You can specify multiple upgrade choices for the same item. For custom items use the item's name.
- original: 'KeycardO5'
new: 'MicroHID'
chance: 50
count: 1
# The list of custom 914 recipies for roles. Original is the role to be changed, New is the new role to assign, Chance is the % chance of the upgrade occuring. For custom roles use the role's name.
- original: 'ClassD'
new: 'Spectator'
chance: 100
keep_inventory: true
keep_health: true
# The list of 914 teleport settings. Note that if you set "zone" to anything other than Unspecified, it will always select a random room from that zone that isn't in the ignoredRooms list, instead of the provided room type.
- zone: Unspecified
ignored_rooms: []
room: LczClassDSpawn
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
chance: 50
damage: 0
- zone: LightContainment
- Lcz173
room: Unknown
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
chance: 100
damage: 0
# A dictionary of random effects to apply to players when going through 914 on certain settings.
- effect: Bleeding
chance: 100
duration: 0
# Determines if 914 effects are exclusive, meaning only one can be applied each time a player is processed by 914.
scp914_effects_exclusivity: false
# Whether or not SCPs are immune to effects gained from 914.
scps_immune_to914_effects: false
# The frequency (in seconds) between ragdoll cleanups. Set to 0 to disable.
ragdoll_cleanup_delay: 0
# If ragdoll cleanup should only happen in the Pocket Dimension or not.
ragdoll_cleanup_only_pocket: false
# The frequency (in seconds) between item cleanups. Set to 0 to disable.
item_cleanup_delay: 0
# If item cleanup should only happen in the Pocket Dimension or not.
item_cleanup_only_pocket: false
# A list of all roles and their damage dealt modifiers. The number here is a multiplier, not a raw damage amount. Thus, setting it to 1 = normal damage, 1.5 = 50% more damage, and 0.5 = 50% less damage.
Scp173: 1
# List of roles and their damage received multipliers. 1 = normal damage, 1.5 = 50% more damage, 0.5 = 50% less damage.
Scp173: 1
# A list of all Weapons and their damage modifiers. The number here is a multiplier, not a raw damage amount. Thus, setting it to 1 = normal damage, 1.5 = 50% more damage, and 0.5 = 50% less damage.
E11Sr: 1
# A list of roles and how much health they should be given when they kill someone.
Scp173: 0
# A list of roles and what their default starting health should be.
Scp173: 3200