Releases: Exawind/amr-wind
Releases · Exawind/amr-wind
New features:
- Visualization of native boundary files now possible
- Linear and Stokes ocean waves can be specified with a phase offset
- Numerical trapezoid integration available as utility within code
Bug fix:
- Overset simulations with ABL boundary planes now possible (again), now at times consistent with the time discretization
New features:
- dynamic stress model added to wall models for representing wave fields
- adaptive mesh refinement based on integer fields
Improvements to:
- terrain blanking and ghost cells
- initial profile of ocean waves
Bug fixes:
- memory leaks in waves2amr framework
- treatment of target velocity from waves2amr
- physics post-regrid actions when restarting with new refinements
- Clipped velocities at pressure_outflow boundaries made default for momentum equation (where it matters the most)
- Improvements and modifications for regression tests
- Bug fix to help compiling exawind-driver with Waves2AMR
- Adjustments to checks on sampling plane bounds
- improved terrain capability
- linear interpolation for DragForcing
- better terrain search
- use bilinear interpolation for terrain height and roughness
- one-equation RANS with wall function support
- inflow-outflow BC incorporated into ABL workflow
- user can control number of plot and checkpoint files generated
Bug Fixes:
- avoid false negatives with interpolation time assertion of boundary planes
- time-dependent BCs correctly incorporated into advection, including boundary planes
- significant reduction in memory usage of samplers, including netcdf format
- pressure_outflow clips inflowing velocities by default, and pressure_inflow is deprecated
Bug fixes:
- corrections for reg tests and unit tests
- correction for python script (in tools/) for reading sampling particles
- completed corrections to ABL boundary plane usage at high BCs
- initial version of terrain-aware immersed forcing method
- probe sampler offset capability
- fixed point iterations within a physical time step
- dry run capability for testing input file validity
Bug fixes:
- tweaks for robustness of ocean wave forcing
- (incomplete) corrections to ABL boundary inflow at high BCs