Text, File ,Directory and Sub-Directory Encryption, hash and Stenography [Hiding text in image] Tool
- This is a command line tool for the encryption and decryption of your files.
- This is repositary use python cryptography libraies to encrypt and decrypt your files.
- This tool can be used to make anything encrypted using just a simple password no need to keep any key files with you unless you want the system to genrate a key for you.
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac [Upcoming...]
- pip [Updatd Version]
- python3
git clone https://github.com/Exido-Rio/The-Encryptor.git
cd The-Encryptor
python3 or python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- [+] Can encrypt all type files !
- [+] Updated maintainence !
- [+] Easy to use !
- [+] Easy password !
- [+] No need to keep the key files !
- [+] Can also encrypt files inside files/directories !
- [+] Save all key files in directory with the option you choosed [So you don't mess up keys] !
- Also Don't just power off the machine while the process in progress might cause problem.
- Don't run this script on outside all folder in a disk you might end up encrypting entire disk.
- To start using it make sure you have the requirements and you are in the The-Encryptor.
- Then you are good to go just run the main.py with necessary commands arguments.
python3 or python main.py
python3 or python encrypto.py [ To run in shell mode ]
* It will take time depending upon the file size
- To encrypt follow the easy steps
- Selecting the encryption option
- Selceting the whatever you wanna encrypt
- Enten the files if selected files
- Selecting the key
- Then it will encrypt files or text and save key also display the location of key
- To decrypt follow the easy steps
- Selecting the decryption option
- Selceting the whatever you wanna decrypt
- Enten the files if selected files
- Selecting the key (You need to enter keyfile location incase you use it else you can use the password you used it to encrypt)
- Then you will have you files or text decrypted if key was corret and files were encrypted
To genrate the hash of anything
Select the hash opration
Select what you wanna genrate hash of
Select the hashing Algorithm Currently 3 Algorithm are supported
- MD5
- SHA1
You will get the hash
Upcoming Featue