PC-BOT integration
with raspberry pi4 and ROS2
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TSP genetic algorithm solver
8 queens solver
Neural network classifier for handwritten numbers
PC-BOT integration
with raspberry pi4 and ROS2
Link to Project
TSP genetic algorithm solver
8 queens solver
Neural network classifier for handwritten numbers
WhiteBox914 Robot,raspberry pi 4 and ROS2 integration for Bar-Ilan university Robotics lab The MAVERICK Group
Using evolutionary algorithm to solve the TSP. the algorithm was written as part of the course "evolutionary algorithms"
Python 2
Neural network implementation from zero, labeling numbers from 0 to 9
search for recipes by different nutritional conditions.Also rate them for other users to see. frontend written in java. back end written in python,supported by mySQL database.
solving the 8 queen problem with a genetic algorithm. Made as part of the course "evolutionary algorithms"
A GUI of a remote control for a plane in the FlightSimulator application