The required node version is v16.14.0. Alternatively, you can run:
shell:~$ nvm use
To build the script run:
shell:~$ yarn install
shell:~$ yarn build
The entry point CLI is executed with yarn start
. Pass --help
to show commands and arguments to commands:
shell:~$ yarn start --help
# ...
shell:~$ yarn start datasets --help
The default log level is info
. Set the desired level using env variable LOG_LEVEL
shell:~$ LOG_LEVEL=debug yarn start datasets
Available levels: 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error'
Create report and post events or tracked entity attributes:
shell:~$ yarn start programs run-program-rules \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--programs-ids=ORvg6A5ed7z \
--program-rules-ids=qvk8trY5En6 \
--org-units-ids=rSAdSn2l11O,vNiy1wYCpUC \
--start-date=2022-06-02 \
--end-date=2022-06-04 \
The script does not use the new 2.38 tracker endpoints (
) to keep compatibility with previous DHIS2 versions (older version tested: 2.33). The script takes in account that some fields in models have been renamed or added (example: programRuleVariable in 2.38 has a fieldvalueType
). -
Even though data values in events are stored as strings, you can use normal boolean comparisons in your rule conditions/expressions (example: #{SV_FirstConsultation} == true`).
Events being considered on a event update:
- For tracked program: group events by trackedEntityInstance. That's required to access events in other program stages.
- For events program: only the matching event is considered.
Export a program with all its associated metadata and data (events, enrollments, tracked entities).
shell:~$ yarn start programs export --url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--programs-ids=kX2GpLIa75l,kpNc7KvydVz programs.json
shell:~$ yarn start programs import --url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' programs.json
shell:~$ yarn start datasets compare \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
DiMntK7qKZQ-Z3tlf5sqWiK \
DiMntK7qKZQ - Z3tlf5sqWiK: non-equal
- expiryDays: 1
+ expiryDays: 2
TuL8IOPzpHh - jHF49Vvup66: equal
shell:~$ yarn start datasets compare \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--url2='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST2:PORT' \
DiMntK7qKZQ-Z3tlf5sqWiK \
shell:~$ yarn start datasets show-schema
"validCompleteOnly": true,
"dataElementDecoration": true,
shell:~$ yarn start datasets compare \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--ignore-properties="expiryDays,sections" \
DiMntK7qKZQ - Z3tlf5sqWiK: equal
The output SQL file (remove_orgunits.sql
for example) can be executed against
a running d2-docker instance with
d2-docker run-sql remove_orgunits.sql
shell:~$ node dist/index.js orgunits remove \
--level 3 \
--output-file remove_country_subunits.sql
shell:~$ node dist/index.js orgunits remove \
--path /H8RixfF8ugH/wP2zKq0dDpw/AJBfDthkySs \
--output-file remove_canada_subunits.sql
where /H8RixfF8ugH/wP2zKq0dDpw/AJBfDthkySs
would be the dhis2 path of Canada.
shell:~$ yarn start datasets copy-org-units \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--origin-dataset=DiMntK7qKZQ \
--destination-datasets=Z3tlf5sqWiK,jHF49Vvup66 \
[--replace, -r]
has a length check to match DHIS2 ID length.--origin-dataset
has a short form:-o
.- If a destination data set contains all the origin OUs no action is taken and a warning is shown.
- The
flag allows to overwrite the destination Organisation Units. If--replace
is set, and the OUs are identical in the origin and destination data sets, no action is taken and a warning is shown. - If no data set is modified a warning is shown.
Update objects from spreadsheet. Update any type of DHIS2 metadata object using a xlsx spreadsheet as a data source:
shell:~$ yarn start translations from-spreadsheet \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--save-payload=payload.json \
--post \
Expected format of xlsx
- All sheets in file will be parsed.
- A Column named
specifies the DHIS2 entity type (singular). Example:dataElement
. - Columns named
will be used to match the existing object in the database. No need to specify all of them. - Translation columns should have the format:
. A DHIS2 Locale with that name should exist in the database. Example:formName:French
Move events for program events (so no enrollments/TEIs move is supported):
$ yarn start events move-to-org-unit \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:POST' \
--from-orgunit-id=qs81OdIPwO9 \
--to-orgunit-id=ewiA4ufWiki \
yarn start events update-events \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--event-ids='event_id_1,event_id_2,event_id_3' \
--data-element-id='data_element_id' \
--condition='true' \
--new-value='' \
--csv-path='./events.csv' \
Get dangling data values and save them in a CSV file:
$ yarn start datavalues get-dangling-values \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--dataelementgroup-ids=OUwLDu1i5xa,SMkbYuGmadE \
--orgunit-ids=AGZEUf9meZ6 --include-orgunits-children \
--start-date=1970 --end-date=2023 \ dataValues.csv
To delete the dangling data values, use the generated CSV as data source and this command:
$ yarn start datavalues post-dangling-values \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' dataValues.csv
It reverts the last data values, using the data value audit. For each of these data values, it finds its N audit records, gets the last valid and first invalid audit record and use them to build an updated data value. Example:
shell:~$ yarn start datavalues revert \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--dataset-ids=Tu81BTLUuCT --orgunit-ids=XKKI1hhyFxk --periods=2020,2021 \
--date=2022-06-01 --usernames="android" \
It deletes the duplicated events for some events/tracker programs. An example:
shell:~$ yarn start programs get-duplicated-events \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--save-report=duplicated-events-ecare-pilot.csv \
--programs-ids=vYRMQ43Zl3Y --org-units-ids=yT7tCISNWG6 \
--start-date="2022-05-09" --end-date="2022-06-05"
Add option --post
to actually (soft) delete the events.
Notify data values changes and sending an email depending on how long has passed since the last updated.
Using json as a storage:
yarn start datavalues monitoring-values \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@localhost:8080' \
--storage=json \
--settings-path=./settings.json \
--executions-path=./executions.json \
--email-ds-path-template=./dataset-email-template.json \
--email-de-path-template=./dataelement-email-template.json \
Using dhis datastore as a storage:
yarn start datavalues monitoring-values \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@localhost:8080' \
--storage=datastore \
--settings-path=d2-notifications.settings \
--executions-path=d2-notifications.executions \
--email-ds-path-template=./dataset-email-template.json \
--email-de-path-template=./dataelement-email-template.json \
Send an email read from a JSON file to a list of users in a CSV file:
$ yarn start notifications send-user-info-notification \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
usernames.csv emailContent.json
Save a HAR file in a browser (Chrome: Developer Tools -> Network tab -> Export HAR) with the desired scenario to test. Then create a configuration file with the scenarios:
"id": "dashboard",
"executions": [{ "windowTimeSecs": 300, "users": 1 }],
"name": "dashboard.har"
"id": "all",
"executions": [
{ "windowTimeSecs": 300, "users": 1 },
{ "windowTimeSecs": 300, "users": 10 }
"name": "all.har"
And run the specificied scenarios against the same or a different DHIS2 instance:
$ yarn start loadTesting run \
--plans-json=plans.json \
--hars-folder="." \
--har-url="" \
--base-url="" \
--auth='USER:PASSWORD' \
dashboard all
Check results in the output:
Plan-results: all - window=300 secs - users=1 | totalTime=35.6 secs | meanTime=35.1 secs | errors=0/612 (0.00 %)
Plan-results: all - window=300 secs - users=10 | totalTime=106.0 secs | meanTime=77.9 secs | errors=154/6120 (2.52 %)
Copy email to username:
$ yarn start users migrate \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--from='email' \
--to='username' \
Send an email to the user:
yarn start users migrate \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--send-notification \
--from='email' \
--to='username' \
--template-path='email.json' \
Send an email both to the user and the administrator:
yarn start users migrate \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--admin-email="" \
--send-notification \
--from='email' \
--to='username' \
--template-path='email.json' \
Only generate a csv report without persisting changes:
yarn start users migrate \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--from='email' \
--to='username' \
email.json must have the following structure:
"subject": "DHIS2 user migration",
"body": "<h1>Your username was updated from ${oldValue} to ${newValue} (user ${userId})<h1>",
"attachments": ["path_to_file.txt"]
DHIS2 does not support renaming usernames directly. While it is possible to update usernames through the API, this only modifies the main table. References in other tables, which rely on the hardcoded username (not userinfoid
or userinfo.uid
), will remain unchanged.
To fully rename a username across all references, you need to execute a SQL script. Start by generating the script using the following command:
yarn start users rename-username \
--mapping=user1old:user1new,user2old:user2new \
[--dry-run] --output=rename.sql
And then run the generated SQL script in your database to perform the actual renaming:
psql -U dhis dhis2 -f rename.sql
Replace dhis
with your database username and dhis2
with your database name if they differ. Ensure you have a backup of the database before applying the changes.
yarn start usermonitoring run-permissions-fixer --config-file config.json
yarn start usermonitoring run-2fa-reporter --config-file config.json
LOG_LEVEL=debug node --inspect-brk dist/index.js usermonitoring run-users-monitoring --config-file config.json
LOG_LEVEL=debug node --inspect-brk dist/index.js usermonitoring run-2fa-reporter --config-file config.json
Use node 16:
nvm use 16
A config json file to get the user/password and server:
"URL": {
"username": "",
"password": "",
"server": "http://localhost:8080"
d2-tools -> two-factor-monitoring:
A push program variable with the id of the program in dhis
A two factor group to filter the users that should have two factor activated
The datastore must contain:
"pushProgram": {
"id": "uid",
"name": "push program"
"twoFactorGroup": {
"id": "uid",
"name": "Auth control group"
d2-tools -> permission-fixer:
The datastore must contain:
A list of excluded_roles (could be an empty list [])
A list of excluded roles by group (could be an empty list [])
A list of excluded roles by role (could be an empty list [])
A list of excluded roles by user (could be an empty list [])
List of excluded users (the script will ignore them) (could be an empty list [])
A minimum group to add that group to the users without any template group (WIDP requirement)
A minimum role to add that role to the users without any role (DHIS requirement) A pushProgram variable with the program ID to send the report
A list of templates (user with the valid roles, and group to identify which users could use those roles).
A list with flags to control the script (permissionFixerConfig).
The pushReport boolean variable determines whether the script should send the report after processing all users.
The pushFixedUserGroups boolean variable enables pushing fixed user groups for users who do not have a WIDP template user group.
The pushFixedUsersRoles boolean variable allows the pushing of fixed user roles.
The forceMinimalGroupForUsersWithoutGroup boolean variable determines how to handle users with invalid user groups. If set to true, it treats these users as if they are assigned to the minimal group without updating their user group. If set to false, it assigns the minimal group to users without a template user group on the server.
An example of the datastore:
Note: the names are used only to make easy understand and debug the keys.
"excludedRoles": [
"id": "uid",
"name": "App - name"
"excludedRolesByGroup": [
"group": {
"id": "uid",
"name": "User group name"
"role": {
"id": "hXY2OtVz70P",
"name": "App - name"
"excludedRolesByRole": [
"active_role": {
"id": "uid",
"name": "App present in the user"
"ignore_role": {
"id": "uid",
"name": "App to be ignored"
"excludedRolesByUser": [
"role": {
"id": "uid",
"name": "App - name"
"user": {
"id": "uid",
"name": "username"
"excludedUsers": [
"id": "uid",
"name": "username"
"minimalGroup": {
"id": "uid",
"name": "Users"
"minimalRole": {
"id": "uid",
"name": "Role name"
"forceMinimalGroupForUsersWithoutGroup": true,
"pushFixedUserGroups": false,
"pushFixedUsersRoles": false,
"pushReport": true
"pushProgram": {
"id": "uid",
"name": "Program name"
"templates": [
"group": {
"id": "uid",
"name": "user group name"
"template": {
"id": "uid",
"name": "user template username"
yarn start usermonitoring run-authorities-monitoring --config-file config.json
# To get the debug logs and store them in a file use:
LOG_LEVEL=debug yarn start usermonitoring run-authorities-monitoring --config-file config.json &> authorities-monitoring.log
: Connection and webhook config file.-s
: Write users data to datastore, use in script setup. It assumes there is a monitoring config in d2-tools/authorities-monitor.
A config file with the access info of the server and the message webhook details:
"URL": {
"username": "user",
"password": "passwd",
"server": "https://dhis.url/"
"ms_url": "http://webhook.url/",
"proxy": "http://proxy.url/",
"server_name": "INSTANCE_NAME"
This reports stores data into the d2-tools.authorities-monitor
datastore. This key needs to be setup before the first run to get a correct report.
It's possible to leave usersByAuthority
empty and use the -s
flag to populate it.
A sample:
"usersByAuthority": {
"AUTH1": [
"id": "lJf6FW6vtDD",
"name": "fake user 1",
"userRoles": [
"id": "So7ZSqi9ovy",
"name": "Role 1"
"id": "wXGwwP53ngu",
"name": "fake user 2",
"userRoles": [
"id": "So7ZSqi9ovy",
"name": "Role 1"
"AUTH2": [
"id": "wXGwwP53ngu",
"name": "fake user 2",
"userRoles": [
"id": "So7ZSqi9ovy",
"name": "Role 1"
This script will compare the metadata of the monitored userGroups with the version stored in the datastore and generate a report of the changes. This report will be sent to the MS Teams channel set in the webhook config section. Then the new version of the metadata will be stored in the datastore.
yarn start usermonitoring run-user-groups-monitoring --config-file config.json
# To get the debug logs and store them in a file use:
LOG_LEVEL=debug yarn start usermonitoring run-user-groups-monitoring --config-file config.json &> user-groups-monitoring.log
: Connection and webhook config file.-s
: Write usergroups data to datastore, use in script setup. It assumes there is a monitoring config in d2-tools/user-groups-monitoring.
A config file with the access info of the server and the message webhook details:
"URL": {
"username": "user",
"password": "passwd",
"server": "https://dhis.url/"
"ms_url": "http://webhook.url/",
"proxy": "http://proxy.url/",
"server_name": "INSTANCE_NAME"
This reports stores data into the d2-tools.user-groups-monitoring
datastore. This key needs to be setup before the first run to get a correct report.
Its possible to leave monitoredUserGroups
empty and use the -s
flag to populate it.
The report, potentially, has tree sections for each user group:
- New entries: JSON with the properties that were unset or empty and changed.
- Modified fields: This section has two JSONs, one showing the old values and one with the news.
- User assignment changes: This section will show the users lost and added to the group.
If a section is empty it will be omitted.
The User Templates Monitoring script is used to compare user templates with the version stored in the datastore and generate a report of the changes. The report includes information on modified fields, and a detailed report on user groups and roles added or lost. This report will be sent to the MS Teams channel set in the webhook config section. The new version of the metadata will be stored in the datastore.
yarn start usermonitoring run-user-templates-monitoring --config-file config.json
# To get the debug logs and store them in a file use:
LOG_LEVEL=debug yarn start usermonitoring run-user-templates-monitoring --config-file config.json &> user-templates-monitoring.log
: Connection and webhook config file.-s
: Write user templates data to datastore, use in script setup. It assumes there is a monitoring config in d2-tools/user-templates-monitoring.
A config file with the access info of the server and the message webhook details:
"URL": {
"username": "user",
"password": "passwd",
"server": "https://dhis.url/"
"ms_url": "http://webhook.url/",
"proxy": "http://proxy.url/",
"server_name": "INSTANCE_NAME"
This reports stores data into the d2-tools.user-templates-monitoring
datastore. This key needs to be setup before the first run to get a correct report.
Its possible to leave monitoredUserTemplates
empty and use the -s
flag to populate it.
The report includes the following sections:
- New entries: This section lists new properties that didn't exist in the old version.
- Modified fields: This section shows the fields that have been modified in the user templates and shows the before/after values.
- User Membership changes: This section displays the changes in the template userGroups and userRoles membership.
If a section is empty, it will be omitted from the report.
Get all the TEIS in the program and move the value from the attribute in the argument --from-attribute-id
to the attribute --to-attribute-id
. Then delete the value in --from-attribute-id
yarn start programs move-attribute \
--url='http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT' \
--program-id=WCJhvPcJomX \
--from-attribute-id=MyOceAlOxLK \
Perform a basic comparison of metadata in two instances. Checks:
- Which objects exist only in one of them (using ID).
- Which objects exist in both with same ID but different code.
$ LOG_LEVEL=debug node dist/index.js sync validate \
--url="http://admin:district@localhost:8080" \
--url2="http://admin:district@localhost:8081" \
[DEBUG 2024-03-19T09:16:30.299Z] Get objects for instance=1, model=users, page=1
[DEBUG 2024-03-19T09:16:32.878Z] Get objects for instance=2, model=users, page=1
[INFO 2024-03-19T09:16:34.383Z] users in instance 1: 1602
[INFO 2024-03-19T09:16:34.383Z] users in instance 2: 1600
[INFO 2024-03-19T09:16:34.383Z] # Only in instance 1 (count): 2
[DEBUG 2024-03-19T09:16:34.384Z] Only in: [instance=1] users/Tv0nAf1WOVs - name="Josh Smith" - code=""
[DEBUG 2024-03-19T09:16:34.384Z] Only in: [instance=1] users/eRCHQWr82i6 - name="MHAM Samos" - code=" "
[INFO 2024-03-19T09:16:34.384Z] # Only in instance 2 (count): 0
[INFO 2024-03-19T09:16:34.400Z] # Check ID/code mismatch: 0
[DEBUG 2024-03-19T09:16:34.400Z] Get objects for instance=1, model=programs, page=1
[DEBUG 2024-03-19T09:16:35.220Z] Get objects for instance=2, model=programs, page=1
[INFO 2024-03-19T09:16:35.509Z] programs in instance 1: 41
[INFO 2024-03-19T09:16:35.509Z] programs in instance 2: 41
[INFO 2024-03-19T09:16:35.509Z] # Only in instance 1 (count): 0
[INFO 2024-03-19T09:16:35.509Z] # Only in instance 2 (count): 0
[INFO 2024-03-19T09:16:35.509Z] # Check ID/code mismatch: 0
[INFO 2024-03-19T09:16:35.510Z] Output report: sync-validate.json
Get a CSV with the IDs of the items used by Indicators:
shell:~$ yarn start indicators get-ref-ids \
--url='' \
--indicators=Uvn6LCg7dVU,ReUHfIn0pTQ \
--ds-filter=QX4ZTUbOt3a,aLpVgfXiz0f \
Working items types: dataElements, programDataElements, programIndicator.
The ds-filter option allows to filter which dataSets are used.
File option can be a file or directory path, if its a directory path the file will be named indicatorsRefIDs.csv
CSV headers:
UID | Indicator | Numerator | Numerator Description | List of referenced dataElements | List of referenced programDataElements | List of referenced categoryOptionCombos | List of referenced Indicators | List of referenced dataSets | List of referenced programs | Denominator | Denominator Description | List of referenced dataElements | List of referenced programDataElements | List of referenced categoryOptionCombos | List of referenced Indicators | List of referenced dataSets | List of referenced programs
Get a CSV with a report of the values of dataElements and categoryOptionCombos:
shell:~$ yarn start indicators get-de-values-report \
--url='' \
--indicators=Uvn6LCg7dVU,ReUHfIn0pTQ \
--org-unit=DiszpKrYNg8 \
--period=2024 \
--ds-filter=QX4ZTUbOt3a,aLpVgfXiz0f \
The ds-filter option allows to filter which dataSets are used.
File option can be a file or directory path, if its a directory path the file will be named indicatorsValuesReport.csv
CSV headers:
dataElement ID | dataElement Name | categoryOptionCombo ID | categoryOptionCombo Name | Value
Transfer tracked entities to another org unit, using a CSV as source data (expected columns: trackedEntityId, newOrgUnitId):
shell:~$ yarn start trackedEntities transfer \
--url=http://localhost:8080 \
--auth="USER:PASSWORD" \
--input-file=transfers.csv \