I use this project mostly everyday. I build it to help me collecting my thoughts about articles, and blob posts I read during the week and then aggregate them in a #ReadingNotes blog post. You can find those post on my blog here.
NoteBookmark is composed of three main sections:
- Post: where you can manage a posts "to read", and add notes to them.
- Generate Summary: where you can generate a summary of the posts you read.
- Summaries: where you can see all the summaries you generated.
- Fork this repository to your account.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
Using Azure Developer CLI let's initialize your environment. In a terminal, at the root of the project, run the following command. When ask give it a name (ex: NoteBookmark-dev).
azd init
Now let's deploy the solution. Run the following command in the terminal. You will have to select your Azure subscription where you want to deploy the solution, and a location (ex: eastus).
azd up
It should take around five minutes to deploy the solution. Once it's done, you will see the URL for Deploying service blazor-app.
The app is now deployed, but it's not secure. Navigate to the Azure Portal, and find the Resource Group you just deployed (ex: rg-notebookmark-dev). In this resource group, open the Container App Container App. From the left menu, select Authentication and click the Add identity provider.
You can choose between multiple providers, I like to use Microsoft since it's deploy in Azure and I'm already logged in. If Microsoft is choose, select the recomended Client secret expiration (ex: 180 days). You can keep all the other default settings. Click Add.
Next time you will navigate to the app, you will be prompt a to login with your Microsoft account. The first time you will have a Permissions requested screen, click Accept.
Voila! Your app is now secure.
Your contributions are welcome! Take a look at CONTRIBUTING for details.