GISP Area API returns area info such as census block, county, state, and market areas based on latitude/longitude input.
- Decimal - latitude range is [-90 90] where negative indicates south. Longitude range is [-180 180] where negative indicates west.
- Deg:Min:Sec - example 77:30:30W means 77-degree 30-minute and 30-second West; 38:15:30N means 38-degree 15-minute and 30-second North. The last character indicates North (N) or South (S) latitude, or East (E) or West (W) longitude.
- output format can be json, jsonp, xml (use lower case)
- For Area API, the default output format is json.
- for Block API, the default output is xml.
- The output content for Area API contains block, county, state, and market info.
- The output content for Block API contains block, county, and state info. It does not contain market info.
- NodeJS and Postgres.
- Version 1.0
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