Basic port of mustache templating to C++.
I just wanted to port mustache and build simple templating for C++. And I am still trying hard to keep it simple.
Create a template:
Hi I am {{name}}.
I like {{thing}}.
Fill the context:
ObjectType ctx;
ctx["title"] = "About";
ctx["name"] = "Daniel";
ctx["thing"] = "turtles";
Instantiate template class and render the template:
template_t t;
string result = t.render(template, ctx);
Hi I am Daniel.
I like turtles.
Create the template:
<h1> {{title}} </h1>
{{# friends}}
<li> {{name}}</li>
<li> {{job}}</li>
<li> {{status}}</li>
{{/ friends}}
Create the context:
// create types
context ctx;
CollectionType c;
ObjectType jim;
ObjectType john;
ObjectType jack;
// Fill values
ctx.add("title", "My friends");
jim["name"] = "Jim";
jim["job"] = "Wizard";
jim["status"] = "Eating";
john["name"] = "John";
john["job"] = "Rainbow Painter";
john["status"] = "Sleeping";
jack["name"] = "Jack";
jack["job"] = "Unicorn Trainer";
jack["status"] = "Riding";
// enter data
ctx.add("friends", c);
// also possible
ctx.add("friends", jack);
Render the template:
template_t t;
string result = t.render(template, ctx);
Clone this repository:
git clone git://
Run the install task:
rake install prefix=installfolder
This creates a dynamic library (OSX only at the moment) and copies the header files and library into $prefix/include and $prefix/lib respectively.
Or you can get it via homebrew:
brew install plustache
Supported Functionality (as described in the man page)
- Variables
- Sections
- False Values/Empty Lists
- Non-Empty-Lists
- Inverted Sections
- Comments
- Partials
- Set Delimiter
- plustache executable
- boost for regex and some other things
- google test for unit testing