Front End Capstone Project at Hack Reactor.
This project was designed to increase our understanding of building, maintaining, and optimizing a full react application. While the project was completed as a group, each individual was fully responsible for their own component.
Product Overview displays a primary product with product information:
- A gallery of product images
- An assortment of styles to select for each product
- Product descriptions, slogans, features, and pricing
- Size and quantity available
Related Products displays product cards of similar items that may interest the user. This component includes:
- Scrollable list of product cards
- Conditionally rendered scroll buttons
Ratings and Reviews displays dynamically rendered client reviews and their ratings meta data for the selected product.
- Server side caching system to reduce number of API requests to two upon page load
- Star filtration functionality to designed to retrieve reviews of specific star rating
- Scrollable list of reviews with conditionally rendered subcomponents
To get a local copy up and running:
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Acquire a github personal access token to acquire access to the API. Insert token into example.config.js and rename file to config.js
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Compile Webpack
npm build
- Start the server
npm start
- Navigate to localhost:3000
Pritam Sarker - Product Overview
Nicholas Ma - Questions and Answers
Cassandra Barragan - Related Products
Richard - Ratings and Reviews