A more intelligent password validator that fails early and suggests changes to your passwords
- FileBuilder: Take a password file and optimise these by creating new password files of specified length
- Validator: Take a list of passwords from validatePasswords.txt and score them
- Press the Clone or download button in the top right
- Copy the URL (link)
- Open the command line and change directory to where you wish to clone to
- Type 'git clone' followed by URL in step 2
$ git clone https://github.com/[user-name]/[repository]
More information can be found at https://help.github.com/en/articles/cloning-a-repository
- Press the Clone or download button in the top right
- Click open in desktop
- Choose the path for where you want and click Clone
More information can be found at https://help.github.com/en/desktop/contributing-to-projects/cloning-a-repository-from-github-to-github-desktop
- Download this GitHub repository
- Extract the zip archive
- Copy/ move to the desired location
This program has been written for Python 3 and has been tested with Python version 3.7.0 https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-370/ on a Windows 10 PC.
To install Python, go to https://www.python.org/ and download the latest version.
- Open the .py file in IDLE
- Run by pressing F5 or by selecting Run> Run Module
py.test test\test_passwordFileBuilder.py --cov=main && py.test test\test_passwordValidator.py --cov=main --cov-append
MIT License Copyright (c) Kieran W (See the LICENSE for more information.)
Screenshots |
Expect this project to be supported for approximately 6 months (for bug-fixes only). Note that this is not guaranteed. Create an issue for bugs (as this project is carried out in spare time, you may have to wait for a few days)