These three classes allow FRC teams to record an autonomous program in Teleop Mode, then replay it in Auto.
Loosely based on what team 4009 set up in Python (look for the play and record macro files):
Here's the process for recording:
1. start teleop mode
2. press whatever button you implement as a record button
3. drive your autonomous
4. press the record button again to stop recording
5. get ready
6. disable teleop
7. set up your robot like you had it setup before auto
8. enable autonomous
9. profit!
Team 2220 used this in our 2015 season for Recycle Rush
Implement the stuff in BTMain in your Main class (or the equivalent)
Then have both the other classes in there too.
If you've got questions, we may have answers: Dennis: Melanie:
Go Blue Twilight!