These tutorials are an introduction to FIWARE QuantumLeap - a generic enabler which is used to persist context data into a CrateDB database. The tutorial activates the IoT sensors connected in the previous tutorials and persists measurements from those sensors into the database. To retrieve time-based aggregations of such data, users can either use QuantumLeap query API or connect directly to the CrateDB HTTP endpoint. Results are visualised on a graph or via the Grafana time series analytics tool.
The tutorials use cUrl commands throughout, but are also available as Postman documentation
NGSI-v2 offers JSON based interoperability used in individual Smart Systems. To run this tutorial with NGSI-v2, use the NGSI-v2
git clone
cd tutorials.Time-Series-Data
git checkout NGSI-v2
./services create
./services start
📚 Documentation | Postman Collection |
NGSI-LD offers JSON-LD based interoperability used for Federations and Data Spaces. To run this tutorial with NGSI-LD, use the NGSI-LD
git clone
cd tutorials.Time-Series-Data
git checkout NGSI-LD
./services create
./services start
📚 Documentation | Postman Collection |
MIT © 2018-2024 FIWARE Foundation e.V.