is a ChRIS
ds plugin that wraps around the Diffusion Toolkit app diff_unpack
. This app consumes DICOMs as input files and creates NIfTI or Analyze conversions as output files. The ChRIS plugin version effectively extends the original app to operate across multiple directory spaces.
Little more than simple dockerized wrapper about the image conversion tool diff_unpack
, this plugin allows multi-directory in the input space and will run diff_unpack
on each input directory. Essentially, diff_unpack
converts input DICOM format files into ANALYZE or NIfTI format. While part of a diffusion imaging process, this conversion application is relatively generic and is useful in its own right. For more information on the actual tool, refer here.
"Ruopeng Wang, Van J. Wedeen,, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, ISMRM Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 15 (2007) 3720"
is a ChRIS plugin about the diff_unpack
application of Diffusion Toolkit. It is typically deployed as part of the ChRIS Store:
Alternatively, you can get a docker image here:
docker pull fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack:latest
To get started with local command-line usage, use Apptainer
(a.k.a. Singularity) to run pl-diff_unpack
as a container:
singularity exec docker://fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack diff_unpack [--args values...] input/ output/
To print its available options, run:
singularity exec docker://fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack diff_unpack --help
If during development you would like to run your local image via singularity
you need to deploy a local docker registry, push your container to that, and use this to generate the apptainer
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
docker tag localhost/fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack localhost:5000/fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack
docker push localhost:5000/fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack
APPTAINER_NOHTTPS=1 singularity exec docker://localhost:5000/fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack diff_unpack --help /tmp /tmp/
requires two positional arguments: a directory containing input data, and a directory where to create output data. First, create the input directory and move input data into it. This application as part of the Diffusion Toolik
mkdir incoming/ outgoing/
mv someDICOM.dcm moreDICOM.dcm incoming/
singularity exec docker://fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack:latest diff_unpack incoming/ outgoing/
Instructions for developers.
Build a local container image:
docker build -t localhost/fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack .
Run chris_plugin_info
to produce a JSON description of this plugin, which can be uploaded to a ChRIS Store.
docker run --rm localhost/fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack chris_plugin_info > chris_plugin_info.json
Mount the source code
into a container to try out changes without rebuild.
docker run --rm -it --userns=host -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v $PWD/ \
-v $PWD/init:/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/init:ro \
-v $PWD/job:/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/job:ro \
-v $PWD/in:/incoming:ro -v $PWD/out:/outgoing:rw -w /outgoing \
localhost/fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack diff_unpack /incoming /outgoing
Run unit tests using pytest
It's recommended to rebuild the image to ensure that sources are up-to-date.
Use the option --build-arg extras_require=dev
to install extra dependencies for testing.
docker build -t localhost/fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack:dev --build-arg extras_require=dev .
docker run --rm -it localhost/fnndsc/pl-diff_unpack:dev pytest