This is our code for our 2020 robot
- main: programming chassis, climber, ball-handling subsystems
- Master-With-Trajectory: master with trajectory following merged in
- Chassis-With-Trajectory: alex's stuff that idc about
- chassis: competition chassis
- leds: LED code with programming chassis
- pid: simple pid in programming chassis
- thacker-chassis: chassis to test with thacker chassis
- vision-targeting: vision targeting with programming robot
- Alex-Characterization-Dev: Branched from master, base code for other alex dev branches -Merge into master when done
- Alex-Characterization-Dev-Flywheel: Flywheel velocity control, merge into Alex- Characterization-Dev When Done
- Alex-Characterization-Dev-Turret: Turret position control, merge into Alex- Characterization-Dev When Done
- Alex-Characterization-Dev-Hood: Hood position control, merge into Alex- Characterization-Dev When Done
- roborodeo: code changes for the 2021 robo-rodeo