Simple command line tool to let you know when your PC's ready to go.
- A simple command line tool that lets you know when your CPU load has been below the pre-set percentage for the pre-set amount of time or giving up after a pre-set amount of tries.
- The app shows the name of your computer in the opening message.
- The app ends with a pause so you know whether the app has already ran or not when you've let your computer turn on while being AFK.
- There are two pre-made versions available:
- desktop - time: 6s - load: <20%
- laptop - time: 6s - load: <30%
- You can make your own version by downloading the .py source file and editing the constants IDLE_TIME, IDLE_LOAD and IDLE_TRIES (optionally, also runnning it through pyinstaller to get .exe file).
- Either download and run the .exe file or download the .py source code.
- To use the app to its full potential, make a shortcut in the Startup folder ("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup")
- Simply delete the .exe or .py file.
- If you made a shortcut in the Startup folder, don't forget to delete that as well.
- Simply replace the .exe or .py file with the new version.
- Unless the name changed from the last version, you don't need to change the shortcut in the Startup folder in any way.
- Note: I don't plan on making any updates unless a bug pops up or something...
- None yet... Report them here.
Libraries used in code:
- subprocess, platform - from Python Standard Library - PSF
- alive-progress - by Rogério Sampaio de Almeida - MIT
Other used libraries: