Multi tabbed text editor implementation using Kotlin and JavaFX
- Create Controllers
- Create UI based on editors(tabs)
- Implement tab listener - Click on the tab with "+" on title to add more tabs; delete tabs clicking on "x" or using middle mouse button
- Create a upper menu containing the main segments (file, editor, view, about). Create the items
- Use JavaFX FileChooser on file actions
- Link shortcuts to file actions
- Create a "About" frame
- Create a "Find and Replace" frame
- Create a left menu containing basic file actions (new, open, save) with icons
- Create a bottom menu containing: line and column of keyboard cursor, file extension type and current charset
- Fix line counter textArea to focus on the same line as the main text area
- Define App name/icon
- Style components using css
- Implement
somehowUndo/Redo actions - Custom styles
- Add a folder structure explorer inside app
- Recover the last session files
- Lexical analysis