This repository contains PowerShell scripts to use WinSCP to transfer files an FTP server and Azure blob storage.
To use these scripts, you will need to complete the following setup.
Install Az.Storage PowerShell module:
# Open PowerShell as an Administrator $TLS12Protocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType] 'Ssl3 , Tls12' [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $TLS12Protocol Install-Module
Setup FTP credential file:
# Open Powershell (Ensure you are logged in with the same account that will run the script as a scheduled task) # CD to location where script is saved $FtpCred = Get-Credential -Message "Enter FTP Username and Password" $FtpCred | Export-Clixml .\ftpcred.xml
Setup Azure storage account credential file
# Open Powershell (Ensure you are logged in with the same account that will run the script as a scheduled task) # CD to location where script is saved $AzCred = Get-Credential -Message "Enter Azure storage account access key in Password" -Username "None" $AzCred | Export-Clixml .\azblobkey.xml
OPTIONALLY: Setup credential file for SMTP authentication for email
# Open Powershell (Ensure you are logged in with the same account that will run the script as a scheduled task) # CD to location where script is saved $SmtpCred = Get-Credential -Message "Enter SMTP Auth Username and Password" $SmtpCred | Export-Clixml .\smtpcred.xml
.\File_Transfer.ps1 -JobName "TestFtpToAzure" `
-FtpServer "" `
-FtpFolder "/test2" `
-FtpCredentialPath .\ftpcred.xml `
-AzureStorageAccountName "jeffazureftp" `
-AzureContainerName "to-auto-hr" `
-AzureBlobKeyPath .\azblobkey.xml `
-Direction "FromFtpToAzureBlob" `
-CustomerEmail "" `
-AdminEmail "" `
-SendSuccessEmail:$true `
-SmtpServer "" `
-KeepFiles:$false `
-FromEmail "" `
-SmtpAuthCredentialPath .\smtpcred.xml
.\File_Transfer.ps1 -JobName "TestAzureToFtp" `
-FtpServer "" `
-FtpFolder "/test1" `
-FtpCredentialPath .\ftpcred.xml `
-AzureStorageAccountName "jeffazureftp" `
-AzureContainerName "from-auto-hr" `
-AzureBlobKeyPath .\azblobkey.xml `
-Direction "FromAzureBlobToFtp" `
-CustomerEmail "" `
-AdminEmail "" `
-SendSuccessEmail:$true `
-SmtpServer "" `
-KeepFiles:$false `
-FromEmail "" `
-SmtpAuthCredentialPath .\smtpcred.xml