Compressed Snapshot Releases
Current SHA256='5446978e0fa93f1feb97bfea2b67e502063c3d697ebc4fbbf01af8a212cde2e2'
Using git clone --recursive
to download the Flipper repo and all of it's submodules will download 6.7GB of data, with the .git folder stripped and compressed with zstd it produces a 1.9GB archive giving a significant saving's on bandwidth. The final size after extraction is 3.9GB.
*nix users
Will either use b3sum or sha256sum for hash checking
There is an auto generated download script included in the release to download with either gh
or aria2c
, extract the contents to $HOME/Downloads/
an hash checked and can be executed with
wget -q -O - | bash
If you don't care about the archive checksum an only the content checksums and want to save space can pipeline it to tar with
wget -qO- | tar -xvf - --use-compress-program=unzstd && cd Flipper && b3sum -c B3.SUM && echo "ALL OK" || echo "Something's fishy"
For archival download it to your NAS and pull/extract it with
ssh user@HostIP "cat /sample-location/Flipper.tar.zst" | tar -xvf - --use-compress-program=unzstd
Windows users
Use your favorite package manger to instal 7zip/aria2c to your system.
I would use chocolatey
#install aria2 7zip
choco install aria2 7zip
Or manually download and add to your to system environmental variables
in Win10: type "env" in the search bar, click "Edit environmental variables", click on "environmental variables" again, and in the lower window look for "path" and in the window that opens, hit New to add a line and add the location of your aria2/7zip.
The reason the BadUSB folder is zipped seperately is because M$ pretender has flagged some of the Payloads as malicious, so if you want to extract that folder you need to make an exception to that folder in defender. So the script will ask you if you want to make an exception, extract it, SHA256 check it, then ask if you want copy it to your SD card and if you want to remove the folder/excption. Then if you want to make an exception to your SD card BadUSB folder so defender doesn't freak out if you connect your SD card to it. Understand the security implications of creating folder exceptions on your system as they could be abused by malicious actors with programs like SharpExclusionFinder
If you don't want to extract the BadUSB folder you can run the W/O admin ducky manually below
Version without Admin Permissions:
powershell -Exec Bypass $pl = iwr; invoke-expression $pl
You can always just use Jdownloader and throw the SHA256 sum at it.
If you want the BadUSB folder you can run the admin ducky script manually below to extract it to your downloads folder and SHA256 check the Flipper repo/submodules, and ask if you want to make a defender exception and extract/hash check the BadUSB folder. The script will then ask if you want to move the flipper repo to your sd card and if you want to make an exception on your sd card, then ask if you want just that drive letter or all(all as in ANY LETTER DRIVE /Flipper/BadUSB for max compatibility with different usb hubs/ports). The admin permission is to create the defender exceptions.
Version with Admin Permissions:
powershell -Exec Bypass $pl = iwr; invoke-expression $pl