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Naming Convention

akadlec edited this page Jan 13, 2024 · 3 revisions

Naming Convention

The connector uses the following naming convention for its entities:


A connector entity in the FastyBird IoT ecosystem refers to a entity which is holding basic configuration and is responsible for managing communication with physical world and other FastyBird IoT ecosystem services.


In this connector are used two types of devices.


A bridge device type in the FastyBird IoT ecosystem refers to a entity which is holding configuration of Zigbee2MQTT service.


A sub-device type in the FastyBird IoT ecosystem refers to a entity which is representing physical device that is connected to Zigbee2MQTT service.


Chanel is a mapped property to physical device exposed capability entity. So each exposed device capability is connected to one device channel.


A property in the FastyBird IoT ecosystem refers to a entity which is holding configuration values or device actual state. Connector, Device and Channel entity has own Property entities.

Connector Property

Connector related properties are used to store configuration like server address, port or credentials. This configuration values are used to connect to MQTT broker.

Device Property

Device related properties are used to store configuration like base topic or to store basic device information like hardware model, manufacturer, ieee address or friendly name. Some of them have to be configured to be able to use this connector or to communicate with device. In case some of the mandatory property is missing, connector will log and error.

Channel Property

Channel properties are used for mapping device exposed capabilities. Each device is exposing at least one capability. Property entity is then holding physical device state value eg: state: on or off


This connector is using MQTT broker for communication with Zigbee2MQTT service. In order to use this connector, you have to have configured and running MQTT broker.

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