Simple two-dimensional real-time strategy engine on C#
Microsoft games XNA used for rendering, so it has to be installed before building
engine implements the following:
Game map loaded from bmp file, opened and dark cells for each player
Animation of units
Units actions: moving (with pathfinding), attack (both near-range and far-range attack with bullets), "move and attack all enemies who will be met", death if hit points is over
Buildings (not fully tested)
Controlling of units in classic RTS style (left mouse button for selecting, right for command)
Panel with information about selected units
high-level behaviour modules:
- "Investigate map" algorithm - high-level command for units which divide them into groups and make each group walk through map to investigate dark cells as much as possible
TODO: develop more high-level behaviour modules which may be used in generic computer enemy behaviour
Optimizations of pathfinding:
- Using algorithm "jump point search" (more faster) instead of A* (
- Pathfinding between far points (at different sides of map) calculated in two steps: first step is "macro-pathfinding" between areas of map, second step is pathfinding between cells within one area
- Using path-caching: if path is already calculated by near unit it will be partially used again
- Special pathfinding optimization in cases of moving groups of units
0.1 beta