Welcome to The Feesh Bot! below is basically all you would need to know to get started with The Feesh Bot(the best bot ;) server link is at the bottom!
This bot is a bot with games which some are wip, but I will add new games every week or so depending on their quality/difficulty
- Game Collection: Explore a collection of fun and exciting games, including classics and innovative new ones.
- Weekly Updates: I'm committed to enhancing your experience, so expect new games and features every week (or so), depending on their quality and user feedback.
- Report Issues: If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to create an issue on the GitHub repository. I'll be actively monitoring and addressing them as quickly as possible.
- Request features/games: If you would like to see certain minigames added, you can go to my discord server and create a post that requests a minigame, but keep in mind that I might not add your game due to other things I need to add or because it would be too hard to create or because I just dont think it's a good idea
- Invite Feesh Bot to your server by clicking this, or by clicking the invite button in its profile.
- Type the
command to get a list of available commands and games.(prefix is U/u so typeuhelp
) - Enjoy the games and features added and share this bot to others!
To report issues or suggest improvements, please create an issue on this GitHub repository. Your feedback is essential in making My bot grow(it might be a total blow :/ haha that rymed :))!
To request features or games, simply just join my discord server, verify and then go down to the request feature/games forums(you may need to follow the channel, which I specified in the announcments) and create a post! Please make sure to look at the rules first though
- hangman - a simple hangman game
- hangman multiplayer - a more complex hangman game which allows you to join other games
- trivia - a simple trivia game that will get more questions every so often, and has a global, serverside and total leaderboard(currently no leader boards)
- memes - sends a random meme
- num guess - guess a number from 1 to 25 and see if you are right(does create a lot of spam, so I am gonna try to find a way to make it more fun without spam)
- soon to be survival(a very complex game that is taking wayyy too long) - a survival game with items, weapons, armor, monsters, bosses and more!
- lottery(depends what you want to use for, im thinking about making it customizable via dashboard or commands(dashboard stuff is pretty hard to do im pretty sure)
- and many many more to come
argument means not needed needed=argument means needed, psg2 is an abr for a game(you probably wont use it) and abr=something means there is an aliases
- uabout - shows the about message(this)
- uhelp - shows you all the commands
- uhangman is multi? - starts a hangman game(2 gamemodes) - abr=uhman
- ucgs - clears all game sessions(most)
- uticket - buys a ticket(lottery command so it may be changed later)
- uend_lottery - mod only - ends lottery and picks a winner
- unumguess needed=num - a number guessing game - abr=ung
- usurvival - not fully implemented so it will soon be "play"
- ugamehelp needed=game - shows the information on that game(not really ready)
- ugames - shows all available games
- uuid needed=uid - psg2 - sets your uid
- ugetuid needed=@user - psg2 - gets the uid of that person
- ulist - psg2 - shows a list of all uid's saved
- uomg - just dont use it(its a joke cmd)
- uguildimg - sends the guilds/servers image
- uprofilepic needed=@user - sends the profile picture of that user - abr=pfp
- uguildlist - sends the list of all people in server(why did I put this in here)
- upurge needed=amount or "all" - mod only - purges a set amount of messages - abr=prg
- uclear_dms clears all dm messages it has sent you(use it when it doesnt delete the dm message)
- utrivia - starts a trivia game!
- umeme - sends a random meme
- /poll - mod only - creates a custom poll!
- /coin-flip - flips a coin!
there is none :)
Thank you for getting this far and be sure to join the server if you haven't already! 🎮