Name: | Multi Database Unified Modeling |
Author: | Feiox |
Maintainer: | Feiox <> |
mdum is a Python Object-Document Mapper for working with Redis Elasticsearch MongoDB. Documentation available at Read the Docs - there is currently a tutorial, a feature, a develop and an API reference.
- Data Modeling: Declarative DSL is better than procedural
- Interface: Simple, Clear, Semantic, Stratified
- Expansibility: Don't need to understand the internal implementation
- Life:
- Semantic & like Python syntax DSL
- Operating data, like Python built-in objects
- Use multiple databases in a uniform interface
- High performance, Cache precompiled all DSL, Model, and so on
We recommend the use of virtualenv and pip. You can then use pip install mdox
. Otherwise, you can download the source from GitHub and run python install
Be sure to check the version of dependent packages when you install, low version will lead to unpredictable errors.
python interpreter:
- python2 >= 2.7
- python3 >= 3.4
python packages:
- pymongo >= 3.0
- elasticsearch >= 1.6
- redis >=2.10
Database Softwares:
- MongoDB >= 3.0
- Elasticsearch >= 1.7
- Redis >= 3.0
To run the examples, ensure you are running a local instance of MongoDB and Elasticsearch on the standard port. Create and initialize mdum app code looks like:
import mdum
db_app = mdum.MdumApp().init() # use default configuration
Some simple examples of what model definition code looks like:
from mdum import Document
from mdum.fields import String, Int, Datetime, Identifier, GeoPosition
class UserModel(Document):
__meta__ = [
'indexes': ['-username']
'triggers': [
# assuming that these function has been defined
'after_create': init_new_user
'pre_delete': clear_up_user_data
# will be used at Elasticsearch
doc_schema = {
'username': String(required=True),
'desc': String(length_scope=[1, 255]),
# will be used at MongoDB
data_schema = {
'role': Enum(['rookie', 'user', 'vip'], default='rookie'),
'friends': List(type=Identifier),
'location': GeoPosition(),
'join_time': Datetime(default_now=True),
'department': Identifier(join=True, required=True),
If you want to operate data, you can try:
>>> UserModel.create({'username': 'Lynn', 'department': 32717})
>>> book = UserModel(pk='4e7020cb7cac81af7136236b') # or UserModel.get('4e7020cb7cac81af7136236b')
{'username': 'Lynn', 'department': {'id': 32717, 'name': 'Engineering'}, 'time': datetime(2015, 9, 3, 12, 31, 56), 'role': 'rookie'}
>>> book.update({'department': 21345}, dont_return=True)
>>> book.delete('4e7020cb7cac81af7136236b')
>>> Book.find('join_time >= {} or friends size is {comments_num}', datetime(2015, 9, 3, 12, 31, 56), comments_num=10)
Well, the coding should be simple and fun.
We welcome contributions! see the Contribution guidelines.
Now don't need donations yet :P
Mdum is licensed under very liberal Apache license, then any private or commercial purposes can be permitted.
Copyright (c) 2015, Feiox All rights reserved.
- My Lover, Qiucen
- MongoEngine