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FelicePollano edited this page Oct 19, 2011 · 5 revisions

We can obtain a FlyFetch collection by using the CollectionFactory class. Here the Create signature:

public static void Create<T,TColl>(
       int pageSize,
       IPageProvider<T,TColl> pageProvider,
       ICountProvider countProvider,
       Action<TColl> created
       ) where T:new() where TColl:IList<T>,new()

Uhmmm a void returning factory method, really strange, isn't ?

The reason is that FlyFetch is written with asynchronous operation in mind, so, since creating the collection can be a blocking operation, the factory returns immediately, and the Action created will execute when the collection is available.

You can call the factory by using:


The type arguments are:

  • T: The type representing the single collection item. This has to be proxy friendly in order to work with FlyFetch
  • TColl: The type of the collection implementation you want to use. It has to implement IList and must be creatable.
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