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FelicePollano edited this page Oct 19, 2011 · 4 revisions


Flyfetch is a strategy to simplify the task of "paging" a collection when we need to present data in the GUI. It aims to be independent from the particular widget used, by working at the collection level. This is achieved by populating the collection with fake objects that signal the needing of a new page. User should just provide a way to returns the total items count and a way to fetch a single page from the actual underlaying collection. This requires the GUI not being bound to a particular implememntation of the data item, but accept a derived class. Furthermore the class representing the View model has to expose properties as virtual - a typical requirement when we deal whit proxies - but these condictions are usually acceptable in current UI view implementation. Flyfetch is implemented with "non blocking" in mind, but this is not a strict requirement, but the function are shaped to support asynchronous behaviors.

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