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FellowTraveler edited this page Jun 18, 2013 · 7 revisions

Right now I’ve got the markets coded and trading. You can put an offer on a market. (There may be a
hundred other offers already there… each with their own terms and limits.)

You’ll always get the lowest price on the market if you’re buying, or the highest price if you’re
selling. (As long as there are offers within your range.)

Your offer may trade many times before it is done, and against multiple other offers on the market.
After each trade, OTCron will drop a receipt into the respective inboxes for the 4 asset accounts
involved. (A trade involves, say, a buyer and seller bitcoin acct, and a buyer and seller WoW gold
account. That’s 4 asset accounts total, with each Nym controlling two accounts.)

When your offer has completed its terms, OTCron then removes it from the market.

You can configure your offer as a “day order” (date range) and/or as a “stop order” (only activate onto
the market when price reaches X level) and/or as a “limit order” (only allow trades at a certain price
point) and/or as a “fill-or-kill order” (each trade against a given offer must occur in minimum

OT Markets also support market granularity, meaning that the price of wheat on the 5000 bushel market
might be cheaper, per bushel, than the price of the same wheat on the 10 bushel market. This means that
traders would be able to profit by purchasing in bulk and then breaking up the wheat to be sold in
smaller chunks (on smaller granularity markets.)

You could also use the markets for trading currency baskets (since OT supports baskets).

Since each asset type on OT is based on a currency contract, you could even issue futures contracts and
other options, and use OT for trading futures on markets, or baskets of futures, etc etc.

Current drawbacks: (1) OT is very new and has not been tested with users in the real world. The version
is v0.44 as I write this. I’m very proud of it, but it is brand spanking new, so you have to take that
into account. (2), the keysize is still restricted to 1024. Since the software is still experimental, I
haven’t added any other keysizes yet, but that will be necessary if you are using it for real trades,
FYI. I am very supportive of any developers using the OT API.

Here’s the issue market offer API call:

// --------------------------------------------------
// Notice the return value is void. Use OT_API_PopMessageBuffer() to check for server replies.
	(const char * SERVER_ID,// The OT API uses the server ID to look up the connect info from the server contract.
	const char * USER_ID,	// UserID (NymID) is a hash of the public key. ServerID (above) is a hash of server contract. 
	// -------------------------------------------
	const char * ASSET_TYPE_ID, // Perhaps this is the wheat market.
	const char * ASSET_ACCT_ID, // This is my wheat account.
	// -------------------------------------------
	const char * CURRENCY_TYPE_ID, // Perhaps I'm buying the wheat with rubles.
	const char * CURRENCY_ACCT_ID, // This is my ruble account.
	// -------------------------------------------
	const char * MARKET_SCALE,		// Defaults to minimum of 1. Market granularity.
	const char * MINIMUM_INCREMENT,		// This will be multiplied by the Scale. Min 1.
	const char * TOTAL_ASSETS_ON_OFFER,	// Total assets available for sale or purchase. Will be multiplied by minimum increment.
	const char * PRICE_LIMIT,		// Per Minimum Increment...
	int	bBuyingOrSelling); // Actually OT_BOOL. SELLING == OT_TRUE (1), BUYING == OT_FALSE (0).

For all you web guys, the “const char *” means that parameter is passed as a string.


(A description of the improvements made to receipts in the latest
release of OT.)

Warning: boring accounting details below…

— finalReceipt and basketReceipt are powerful additions to OT’s receipt
system, which bring OT’s recurring transactions, basket currencies, and
markets fully into compliance with the doctrine of “destruction of
account history”.

BACKGROUND (using chequeReceipt as an example):

In order to perform any transaction, the OT client must use a
transaction number. These numbers are signed-for ON EVERY SINGLE RECEIPT
— until they are closed.

For example, if you write a cheque, #47, then the #47 will appear on
every receipt going into the future, for every transaction that you
do, until that transaction #47 is closed.

When will it be closed? When the cheque is cashed, the chequeReceipt #47
will appear in your inbox. YOU must accept it, before #47 will be
closed — which removes it from your inbox, AND signs-off on the latest
account balance.

You see, since your balance is CHANGED whenever a cheque you wrote
CLEARS, the server is thus forced to keep a copy of that chequeReceipt
in your inbox, in order to prove the current balance, since that cheque
has your signature on it. (The current balance, FYI, is your last
signed balance, which the server already has on the most recent
receipt, minus the amount of the cheque, which also features #47 — a
valid number — and YOUR SIGNATURE.)

Once you sign to accept the chequeReceipt, it disappears from your
inbox, the latest balance is signed, and #47 disappears forever from
your list of “Issued Transaction Numbers”. (That is, you no longer have
to sign for #47 on any of your future receipts, since #47 is now CLOSED.)

IN SUM: “To perform a transaction, you must burn up one of your
transaction numbers. And you need to sign for those in advance before
you can use them. AND you need to CONTINUE signing, on into the future,
for any transaction number that has been used, UNTIL YOU FINALLY SIGN TO
CLOSE it.”

NOW LET’S examine the latest updates to OT:


All of the above still holds true; chequeReceipt still operates exactly
the same, as do the receipts for transfers, withdrawals, deposits, etc.
Those are the same.

===> But, for Markets…. (and other recurring transactions…)

— When Alice places an offer on a market, the server saves a copy of
her signed offer. BUT THIS TIME, THREE transaction numbers are
provided instead of one: an opening number, and a closing number for
EACH asset account, of which there are two. (She is buying bushels of
wheat in return for dollars. Therefore she has a WHEAT account and a
DOLLAR account.)

— As various trades process on the market over time (against her market
offer), marketReceipts will appear in Alice’s inbox for her wheat
account, and her inbox for her dollar account. Each marketReceipt
contains a copy of Alice’s ORIGINAL market offer, as well as an UPDATED
VERSION (showing the changes to her account balances as a result of each

— Remember that Alice has to sign for these 3 transaction numbers on
ALL of her future receipts, until they are closed out. Let’s say the
numbers are #9, #10, and #11.

— marketReceipts will continue to appear in Alice’s inboxes over time,
which she can remove by signing to accept them. This allows the server
to prove the latest balance for each account (as caused by each trade
and proven by each receipt.) So far, this much is similar to when you
sign for a normal chequeReceipt.

— But now Alice cannot cancel her market offer! Because what if new
marketReceipts are popping into her inbox from new trades so quickly,
that she is unable to do a new balance agreement before a new one comes
in? If she cannot sign a proper balance agreement, then she cannot
perform the transaction necessary to cancel the trading (nor can she
close out the numbers from her receipts, and out of her inbox!) She’s

===> THIS IS WHY there are now THREE transaction numbers for a market
offer (say #9, #10 and #11): Because when the “Cancel Market Offer”
message is sent, it requires no balance agreement at all! Instead, these
actions occur:

1) Transaction #9 is permanently closed, and will not appear on any
future receipts.
2) Transaction #10 appears as a FINAL RECEIPT in Alice’s WHEAT inbox (in
reference to #9.)
3) Transaction #11 appears as a FINAL RECEIPT in Alice’s DOLLAR inbox
(in reference to #9.)

===> Trans#’s 10 and 11 stay open. (For now.)

===> The finalReceipts in each inbox prove when the offer was officially
closed. (Whether by Alice, or by some other natural expiration. This is
where smart contracts will figure big, in the future.)

===> Alice’s “last signed receipt” shows her inbox contents, and the
same receipt no longer shows #9 signed out — she’s not responsible for
number 9 anymore. Thus any marketReceipt appearing AFTER would automatically
be INVALID. (No NEW balance changes are permitted, related to #9.)

===> This means that new marketReceipts can never be dumped onto Alice
AFTER she has closed a market offer (or payment plan.)

From there, Alice can accept the various receipts in her inbox at her
LEISURE—the trading has been stopped, no more recurring transactions
can occur, and the finalReceipt proves this.

THE TRICK IS: #10 and #11 are still open, and they REFER to #9. In
order to finally CLOSE those finalReceipts for #10 and #11, which both
refer to #9 — OT requires Alice to ALSO close any other marketReceipts
present in those inboxes, that ALSO refer to #9. (That is, the
finalReceipt cannot be removed until those related receipts are also

===> This way, OT is guaranteed that all of Alice’s WHEAT balance
changes (shown in the marketReceipts in the wheat inbox) will be
signed-for by the client and CLOSED OUT properly before finalReceipt#10
itself is closed out.

===> Similarly, all of Alice’s DOLLAR balance changes (shown in the
marketReceipts for her dollar inbox) will also be signed for by the
client and CLOSED OUT properly before finalReceipt #11 itself is finally

===> Thus, by the time the finalReceipts #10 and #11 are finally closed,
ALL RECEIPTS will have been closed related to this market offer, and all
balances have been agreed, for Alice’s wheat account AND her dollar account.

I find this very interesting because it takes the concept of
“Destruction of Account History” as pioneered by Bill St. Clair and
Patrick Chkoreff, and adapts it to * recurring transactions * such
as market offers and PAYMENT PLANS.

This innovation is unique to OT, as far as I know.

The same concept has also now been adapted for OT’s BASKET CURRENCIES.

When you exchange into a [dollar/gold/bitcoin] basket, you must actually
supply your dollar account, your gold account, and your bitcoin account,
so that OT can remove the the appropriate amount of dollars, gold, and
bitcoins from those accounts, in order to credit you with the new basket
units during the exchange.

The OT client will now provide 4 transaction numbers in order to
perform the exchange:

  1. The main basket account’s basketReceipt
  2. The dollar account’s basketReceipt
  3. The gold account’s basketReceipt
  4. The bitcoin account’s basketReceipt

When the exchange occurs, the client does NOT have to sign any balance
agreements. Instead, a basketReceipt is dropped into EACH INBOX, and the
balance agreements can be signed later, whenever the client wants to
finally close out those receipts.

OTHERWISE, THE CLIENT WOULD HAVE TO PROVIDE a full balance agreement for
every single account, all at once, in order to perform the exchange! The
server would also have to verify all 4 of these balance agreements in
order to process it!

That would be unwieldy. What if there were 10 asset accounts in the
basket, or 50? Must I perform 50 balance agreements in order to do a
single transaction?

INSTEAD, THINGS ARE EASY: a basketReceipt is simply dropped into the
inbox for each constituent account, and the user can close those
receipts later, the same as he would close a chequeReceipt or
transferReceipt, signing the new balance at that time.

I find this very interesting because it takes the concept of
“Destruction of Account History” and adapts it to BASKET CURRENCIES.

This means:

===> finalReceipt means that OT can perform transactions that PROCESS
REPEATEDLY OVER TIME, even hundreds of times, yet it maintains the
secure paradigm of “destruction of account history.”

===> basketReceipt means that OT can perform transactions that process
across ANY NUMBER OF ASSET ACCOUNTS — even dozens of asset accounts in
a single transaction — yet it still maintains the secure paradigm of
“destruction of account history.”

===> This means that a new transaction type involving MULTIPLE TRADES
can be processed based on STANDING OFFERS, WITHOUT forcing a signature
from each client at each stop along the way.

This is awesome IMO!

I’m sure you can see where I’m going with all of this…

  • RIPPLE ****

The latest changes to receipts are what will make it possible to

Of course that will require a whole other set of code, which I will have
to get around to at some point when I can afford it, but it will someday
become possible to extend “credit lines” between Nyms, and then have
“Ripple Markets” where payments can flow p2p between the various credit

This is made possible by the new receipt code, since instead of having
to sign for each individual transaction during a “Ripple Flow”, credit
lines will involve STANDING OFFERS, which will process according to
their terms as long as the transaction stays open! (The same way as
marketReceipts do now — until the credit line is closed, and the
“finalReceipt” is thrown.)

So this release gets us closer to using OT as Ripple, although more
would still need to be coded, such as the CreditLine object itself, and
the RippleMarket, etc.

In case you guys find any of this Ripple stuff interesting, I’ve
attached some of my notes below. It will probably be months before any
of this actually gets coded, but you might enjoy the thoughts recorded.

Happy September! And remember, the time is short.

Your friend,

-Fellow Traveler

PS NEED VOLUNTEERS: iOS client, Mac client, Google Native Chrome,
Android client, Windows client, QT client, Bitcoin integration,
Bittorrent integration, TAHOE-LAFS integration, Freenet integration, i2p
integration, mixminion integration, Tor integration, Firefox
integration, Thunderbird integration…

Ripple Notes

The only change necessary for OT to have built in Ripple is to make
possible to execute various trades atomically.

Alice, Bob, Timón, and FT issue each one their own digital currency.

The denomination is not very important, because it will only affect the
exchange rate, that users will have to set manually anyway.

Alice issues aUSDs that are accepted by her and Bob, because they’re

Bob issues bUSDs that are accepted by him, Alice and Timón.

Bob usually buys bread to Timón for bitcoins, and Timón sometimes
accepts bUSDs.

Timón issues tHours that Bob accepts, because with them he can buy bUSDs
(to settle debts with Timón) and bread.

FT issues fOz’s (ounces of silver) that really keeps at home and that
Timón accepts because he knows FT accepts 1 Oz per hour of programming

Now FT wants to buy a box full of apples from Alice, that see sells for
80 aUSDs.

Let’s see the market:
Alice buys up to 100 bUSDs for aUSDs at a 1:1 rate
Bob buys up to 100 aUSDs for bUSDs at a 1:1 rate
Bob buys up to 10 tHours for bUSDs at a 1:10 rate
Timón buys up to 2.5 fOz’s for tHours at a 1:4 rate

The balances don’t change, they’re just putting an offer in the market.
For example.

Alice buys up to 100 bUSDs for aUSDs at a 1:1 rate
Would be like an offer like this:
user=alice buying=bUSD, selling=aUSD, price=1, amount=100

So FT could sell 2 fOz’s for 8 tHours.
Then sell 8 tHours for 80 bUSDs.
Then sell 80 bUSDs for 80 aUSDs.
Then sell 80 aUSDs for a box full of apples.

The payment described in 3 should be atomic.

Balances before the transaction:

aUSD bUSD tHours fSLV

Alice 10,000 0 0 0
Bob 0 10,000 0 0
Timón 0 0 1,000 0
FellowTraveller 0 0 0 500

Balances after the transaction:

aUSD bUSD tHours fSLV

Alice 10,000 80 0 0
Bob 0 9,920 8 0
Timón 0 0 992 2
FellowTraveller 0 0 0 498

If you want it step by step, here it is (but remember we want it to
occur atomically).

FT sells 2 fOz’s for 8 tHours.

aUSD bUSD tHours fSLV

Alice 10,000 0 0 0
Bob 0 10,000 0 0
Timón 0 0 992 2
FellowTraveller 0 0 8 498

Then sell 8 tHours for 80 bUSDs.

aUSD bUSD tHours fSLV

Alice 10,000 0 0 0
Bob 0 9,920 8 0
Timón 0 0 992 2
FellowTraveller 0 80 0 498

Then sell 80 bUSDs for 80 aUSDs.

aUSD bUSD tHours fSLV

Alice 9,920 80 0 0
Bob 0 9,920 8 0
Timón 0 0 992 2
FellowTraveller 80 0 0 498

Then sell 80 aUSDs for a box full of apples.

aUSD bUSD tHours fSLV

Alice 10,000 80 0 0
Bob 0 9,920 8 0
Timón 0 0 992 2
FellowTraveller 0 0 0 498


A: Alice opening a bUSD account and putting an offer “I buy up to 100 bUSD
for aUSDs” is the equivalent of giving credit to Bob.

Q: Would Alice and Bob see that there are actually two currencies (aUSD and
bUSD) or would the UI be such that they only need to see them as
“dollars”, and they see that they are willing to accept dollars from
each other?

A: They could see separately:

-How many dollars they have issued in total (how much they owe).

-How many dollars their neighbors have of their currency (how much they
owe by user)

-How many dollars they have from their neighbors (how much each user
owes them)

-How many dollars they have from other people in total (how much people
owe them)

And the same for each denomination.

Alice opening a bUSD account and putting an offer “I buy up to 100 bUSD
for aUSDs” is the equivalent of giving credit to Bob.

In the example, Bob never has aUSDs so he doesn’t need an aUSD account.

For the credit line to become two-ways, Bob would need to open an aUSD
and place an offer “I buy up to X aUSD for bUSDs”.

Potential UI sequence:

1) ALICE clicks "Give Credit to,” and then she selects “BOB” from a list.

2) BOB logs in the next day, with a message “Alice has extended credit
to you in the amount of $100 USD. Do you accept?” (This means that some
sort of message will be sent via the internal OT message system, to
facilitate this notification.)

3) When Bob clicks yes, then the software checks to see if Bob has
already issued his own $bUSD currency. If not, then Bob’s currency bUSD
is automatically issued at this time. (Bob’s “credit line” object will
need to manage his issuer accounts for various currencies,as well as
manage a list of his credit lines to and from other people, as well as
his asset accounts from those people, as well as his bUSD internal asset
account, as well as his Ripple market offers. This OTCreditLine object
would need to be written.)

4) Alice’s offer is created on the new aUSD/bUSD market: “I buy up to
100 bUSD for aUSDs at X:Y rate”. (This could probably be done using a
modified version of the existing OT market code, to enable to atomic
transactions. This modified version would be specially for Ripple, due
to the atomic-multi-step transactions.)

5) This means that aUSDs, Alice’s own USD currency must ALSO be issued
at this time, if they haven’t been already.

6) This means that Y aUSDs (from X:Y) must actually be issued into
existence by Alice at this same time. That is, not only is the currency
in existence, but say, 100 units of that currency are actually
transferred at this time from Alice’s aUSD issuer acct, leaving it at
-100, to Alice’s aUSD credit line account leaving it at +$100, so that
they are actually available to fill her bUSD market offer, should a
“Ripple path” transaction occur.

(This means Alice has an internal account balance of $100 aUSD.)

7) Unlike Bob’s silver account, which is private to him, and unlike
Bob’s gold account, which is private to him, Alice can actually SEE the
contents of Bob’s aUSD account! Because that shows her how much USD that
she owes to Bob. This is unlike the normal OT accounts, where you are
not shown other people’s balances.

8) On Alice’s “Credit Lines” page, she would have a list of currencies
(Dollars, Bitcoins, Silver, etc.) When she clicks on a currency, say
dollars, the details appear on the right:

9) Details: a list of credit lines. Bob, Carol, Donald, Edward, etc.

10) Alice’s “total dollars owed” is the absolute value of her aUSD
issuer account. So if her aUSD issuer account has -$2000, then she owes
$2000 to all of her various friends (in TOTAL.)

11) For Bob, Carol, Edward, etc, she sees THEIR balances in aUSD:

- Bob: $A 0
- Carol: $A 1000
- Donald: $A 500
- Edward: $A 500

12) She also sees HER balances in bUSD/cUSD/dUSD/eUSD:

- Bob: $A 0 Bob owes Alice: $0 bUSD
- Carol: $A 1000 Carol owes Alice: $877 cUSD
- Donald: $A 500 Donald owes Alice: $142 dUSD
- Edward: $A 500 Edward owes Alice: $905 eUSD

Total owed BY Alice: $2000
Total owed TO Alice: $1924

Net: Alice owes $76.

13) Alice should also see the CURRENT STATUS of her MARKET OFFERS. Above
we only see the account balances (what is owed both ways) but we don’t
see what people are willing to CONVERT.

Let’s say Alice and Bob are willing to convert $100 both ways (for each

Alice: OFFER: “I buy up to 100 bUSD for aUSDs”

Alice: INTERNAL: $100 aUSD

(To trade $100, this means Alice has an internal account balance of $100
aUSD at least, and -$100 of her aUSD issuer account matches to this. Her
market offers trade against this account.)

Bob: OFFER: “I buy up to 100 aUSD for bUSDs”

Bob: INTERNAL: $100 bUSD

(This means Bob has an internal account balance of $100 bUSD at least,
and -$100 of his bUSD issuer account matches to this. His market offers
trade against this account.)

14) THEREFORE our total picture now looks like this:

- Bob: $A 0 Bob owes Alice: $0 bUSD
- Carol: $A 1000 Carol owes Alice: $877 cUSD
- Donald: $A 500 Donald owes Alice: $142 dUSD
- Edward: $A 500 Edward owes Alice: $905 eUSD

Total owed BY Alice: $2000
Total owed TO Alice: $1924
Net: Alice owes $76.

Alice: OFFER: “I buy up to 100 bUSD for aUSDs”
Alice: INTERNAL: $100 aUSD

Bob: OFFER: “I buy up to 100 aUSD for bUSDs”
Bob: INTERNAL: $100 bUSD

15) Let’s say a “Ripple” flows through and she converts HALF OF the bUSD
she’s willing to convert. How does our picture CHANGE?

- Bob: $A 0 Bob owes Alice: $50 bUSD *
- Carol: $A 1000 Carol owes Alice: $877 cUSD
- Donald: $A 500 Donald owes Alice: $142 dUSD
- Edward: $A 500 Edward owes Alice: $905 eUSD

Total owed BY Alice: $2000
Total owed TO Alice: $1974
Net: Alice owes $26.

Alice: OFFER: “I buy up to 50 bUSD for aUSDs”
Alice: INTERNAL: $50 aUSD

Bob: OFFER: “I buy up to 100 aUSD for bUSDs”
Bob: INTERNAL: $100 bUSD

QUESTION: Should Bob be able to see how much is LEFT on Alice’s offer?

That is: “Alice’s bUSD acct contains $50, which you owe to her, and
there is still $50 left on her total credit line to you (of $100.)”

NEXT QUESTION: How does this model ever CONVERT one currency to another?

SO FAR, the creation of a CREDIT LINE has only resulted in two-way USD
relationships, or two-way Gold relationships, etc.

NOTHING in the above example shows where Alice converts Dollars to Gold,
or Dollars to Bitcoin.

FOR EXAMPLE, Let’s say Alice extends GOLD credit to Bob…

Even if Bob reciprocates, then they have 100g gold relationship both
ways, complete with Alice’s offer to buy bGold using aGold, and Bob’s
offer to buy aGold using bGold.

STILL this doesn’t explain how dollars get converted into gold, EVEN

===> It’s not ENOUGH for Alice and Bob to handle both gold and dollars,
and to extend credit to each other in gold and dollars. ON TOP OF THIS,
Alice must also be willing to convert gold into dollars, and dollars
BOB OR TO ANYONE ELSE. Rather, it has more to do with her market
judgments of the various currencies.

===>Therefore, there still needs to be ANOTHER page, where Alice can set
up her CONVERSION RATIOS between gold=>dollars and dollars=>gold, and
BTC=>dollars and dollars=>BTC, etc.

It seems to me that the “Ripple path” mechanism would need to make use
of markets that included offers for the credit lines, as well as offers
for the currency conversion, before it could operate properly.

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