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Generate topic list #1031

Generate topic list

Generate topic list #1031

Workflow file for this run

name: Generate topic list
- cron: "0 0 * * *"
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install packages
run: sudo apt-get install perl cpanminus curl; sudo snap install yq
- name: Install required CPAN modules
run: sudo cpanm HTML::Parser XML::XPath
- name: Download feed.xml
run: curl -s -o feed.xml
- name: Pre-process feed.xml
run: |
xpath -n -q -e 'rss/channel/item/title | rss/channel/item/content:encoded/text() | rss/channel/item/pubDate | rss/channel/item/link | rss/channel/item/itunes:episode' feed.xml | \
perl -C -MHTML::Entities -pe 'decode_entities($_);decode_entities($_);' > preprocessed.txt
#- name: Dump preprocessed.txt
# run: cat preprocessed.txt
- name: Generate minkorrekt-themen.unfiltered.yaml
run: |
cat preprocessed.txt | \
perl -C -pe 's/\"/\\\"/g;s/<title>((?:Mi|Minkorrekt Folge )([0-9]+)?[^<]+?)<\/title>/- title: "$1"\n episode: "$2"/g;s/<(pubDate|link)>([^<]+)<\/\1>/ $1: "$2"/g;s/<(itunes:episode)>([^<]+)<\/\1>/ itunesEpisode: "$2"/g;s/<[^>]+>//g;s/^\h*Thema ([1-4]):?\h*(?:\\\"|[\x{201C}\x{201D}\x{201E}])(.+?)(?:\\\".*$|\h*?[\x{201C}\x{201D}\x{201E}].*$|\h\x{2013}[^\x{201C}\x{201D}\x{201E}\v]*$)/ topic$1: "$2"/;s/^\h*?Chinagadget der Woche:\h?(.*?)\h*$/ gadget: "$1"/;s/^(?!- title:| topic[1-4]:| pubDate:| link:| gadget:| itunesEpisode:| episode:).*?$//gi;s/^\s*$//' | \
yq e '[.[]]' - > minkorrekt-themen.unfiltered.yaml
#- name: Dump minkorrekt-themen.unfiltered.yaml
# run: cat minkorrekt-themen.unfiltered.yaml
- name: Generate minkorrekt-themen.yaml
run: yq e '[.[] | select(has("topic1") // has("topic2") // has("topic3") // has("topic4"))]' minkorrekt-themen.unfiltered.yaml > minkorrekt-themen.yaml
#- name: Dump minkorrekt-themen.yaml
# run: cat minkorrekt-themen.yaml
- name: Generate minkorrekt-themen.full.yaml
run: |
cat preprocessed.txt | \
perl -C -pe 's/\"/\\\"/g;s/<title>((?:Mi|Minkorrekt Folge )([0-9]+)?[^<]+?)<\/title>/- title: "$1"\n episode: "$2"/g;s/<(pubDate|link)>([^<]+)<\/\1>/ $1: "$2"/g;s/<(itunes:episode)>([^<]+)<\/\1>/ itunesEpisode: "$2"/g;s/<[^>]+>//g;s/^\h*Thema ([1-4]):?\h*(.*$)/ topic$1: "$2"/;s/^\h*?Chinagadget der Woche:\h?(.*?)\h*$/ gadget: "$1"/;s/^(?!- title:| topic[1-4]:| pubDate:| link:| gadget:| itunesEpisode:).*?$//gi;s/^\s*$//' | \
yq e '[.[]]' - > minkorrekt-themen.full.yaml
#- name: Dump minkorrekt-themen.full.yaml
# run: cat minkorrekt-themen.full.yaml
- name: Generate JSON output
run: |
yq eval -o=j minkorrekt-themen.unfiltered.yaml > minkorrekt-themen.unfiltered.json
yq eval -o=j minkorrekt-themen.yaml > minkorrekt-themen.json
yq eval -o=j minkorrekt-themen.full.yaml > minkorrekt-themen.full.json
- name: Generate HTML page
run: |
sed -e '/::minkorrekt-themen.full.json::/ {' -e 'r minkorrekt-themen.full.json' -e 'd' -e '}' index.tpl.html > index.html
- name: Cleanup
run: rm feed.xml preprocessed.txt
- name: Commit updated files
continue-on-error: true
run: |
git config --global 'M!Topics Action'
git config --global ''
git add *.yaml *.json *.html
git commit -m "Updated files from feed"
git push