Coursework 1 of Concurrent Computing, University of Bristol
Check CourseworkDescription.pdf to see all the details of what the program should do
Check COMS20001/GameOfLifeReport.pdf for information about Functionality and Design; Tests and experiments; Critical analysis
Implementation of a multi-threaded program on the xCore-200 Explorer board which simulates the ‘Game of Life’ on an image matrix. The board’s buttons, orientation sensors, and LEDs are used to control and visualise aspects of the game. The game matrix is initialised from a PGM image file and the user can export the game matrix as PGM image files. The solution makes efficient and effective use of the available parallel hardware of the xCore-200 architecture by implementing farming communication of parts of the game matrix across several cores/tiles based on message passing.
COMS20001/GameOfLifeReport.pdf is divided in 3 sections, containing information such as:
- Functionality and Design
- Experiments: time measurements as a function of the number of workers, how they are distributed between the tiles and the image size (to execute 100 cycles of the game of life). The results are interpreted and analysed in detail.
- Critical analysis: performance of the system and ways to improve it