- ⭐ Sort Array By Parity II: Trick about Even or Odd!
- 🔥 Find All Duplicates in an Array: 1) How to use "1" and "2" 2) How to use the relation between key and value.
- Queue Reconstruction by Height: Trick about Maximum.
- Single Element in a Sorted Array: Binary Search.
- 🔥Two City Scheduling:Tricks about "Sum".
- 🔥 Distribute Coins in Binary Tree: Tricks about 1) Move 2) Equal to "Decision".Learn a lot from Lee215.
- Flip Equivalent Binary Trees: Two Trees.
- Trim a Binary Search Tree: Change the way in which nodes link.
- Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor: Maxima and Minima during the recursion.
- 🔥 Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree: 1) BFS On each layer, we count how many nodes there 2) The relation about each recursion.
- All Paths From Source to Target: Recursion and Stack implemented by array.
- Unique Paths III: Recursion.
- Score After Flipping Matrix: Lee215 is awesome!Without modifing matrix in reality, we can still obtain highest score.
- Longest Arithmetic Sequence: Lee215 uses "max".
- Daily Temperatures
- Counting Bits.
- Single Number: How to use "1" and "2".
- ⭐ Single Number III