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Landing page of iBox webapp

This is a project of a landing page for the EOI-Frontend-Course.

If you want to track our tasks you can check our Trello Board.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.

Project Folders

- Assets

This directory contains your un-compiled assets such as LESS, SASS, or JavaScript.

- Components

The components directory contains your Vue.js Components.

Nuxt.js doesn't supercharge these components.

- Layouts

This directory contains your Application Layouts.

- Middleware

This directory contains your application middleware. Middleware let you define custom functions that can be run before rendering either a page or a group of pages.

- Pages

This directory contains your Application Views and Routes. The framework reads all the *.vue files inside this directory and creates the router of your application.

- Plugins

This directory contains Javascript plugins that you want to run before mounting the root Vue.js application.

- Static

This directory contains static files like images, text files, svg, etc.

- Test

This directory contains all your Jest unit tests