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Guzo-Blog is an application that let’s users to post about what they experienced and what they want to share with other people. The app name "Guzo-Blog" means "Travel-Blog". I want the app to let people share their journey in life that they think will help other peoples and also to get information by sharing their thoughts. So, that why I name it Guzo or travel app.
In this application, people can create a post, can edit their post and also can delete their post if they want to. It also have an access to upload images using aws. Only the user can make all the above. The other users can see the post, make a comment and also can like or unlike the post if they want to. It will only shown if you have an account and logged in.
This application is a full crude with Django. It is user authenticated which gives the user full control of their account.
- Django
- Python
- Bootstrap
- Bulma
Fork and clone this repository.
Change into the new directory (cd - directory_name).
Set up your Django environment:
Install pipenv (pip3 install pipenv)
Install django (pipenv install django)
Then activate your virtual environment (pipenv shell - if this command not work you can use - python3 -m pipenv shell)
Next, open your vs code (code .)
Then, you need to run the server using (python3 runserver)
Lastly, you need to navigate to (http://localhost:8000) to see the homepage in your browser.
entity relationship diagrams(ERDs)
Create profile model and
Add profile pic
Add social media link
Make categories
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